First Time HGH Usage Question


New member

As a 35 year old male, I am looking for anti-aging benefits. I wouldn't mind a bit of muscle growth and fat loss. However, given the high cost of the pharma hgh I have acquired, I am planning to start with a dose of 2 IU/day. I have recently acquired some Norditropin 10mg vials that look like this pic below.

View attachment 565341

These came from a highly reputable source, and I have very little doubt that they are legitimate.

1) Are these intended to be used as cartridges / refills for the Norditropin pen device?
2) As I understand it, these are "pre-mixed" - meaning I don't need to reconstitute them with bacteriostatic water. Is that right?
3) Since I do not have a pen, how do I use it? Can I buy a 29 gauge insulin needle and inject SubQ into my stomach?
4) What about storage of the vials? Do I need to keep them in the fridge, or is a dark room temperature place ok?
5) After I open the vial the first time by taking off the stopper, do I then need to do anything extra to preserve it - such as refrigerate?

As a 35 year old male, I am looking for anti-aging benefits. I wouldn't mind a bit of muscle growth and fat loss. However, given the high cost of the pharma hgh I have acquired, I am planning to start with a dose of 2 IU/day. I have recently acquired some Norditropin 10mg vials that look like this pic below.

View attachment 565341

These came from a highly reputable source, and I have very little doubt that they are legitimate.

1) Are these intended to be used as cartridges / refills for the Norditropin pen device?
2) As I understand it, these are "pre-mixed" - meaning I don't need to reconstitute them with bacteriostatic water. Is that right?
3) Since I do not have a pen, how do I use it? Can I buy a 29 gauge insulin needle and inject SubQ into my stomach?
4) What about storage of the vials? Do I need to keep them in the fridge, or is a dark room temperature place ok?
5) After I open the vial the first time by taking off the stopper, do I then need to do anything extra to preserve it - such as refrigerate?

oh no. mate, this is like buying a car and now thinking you may need petrol, decent wheels, how do I check the oil, maybe insurance?

These are the obvious questions people should know before buying....however:

1/ they're a cartridge with 1ml of BAC already in there. Click the top and it'll release the water. Give it 5 mins to dissolve the peptide fully. Do not shake it. Store in fridge if not using it immediately. Refills, no.
2/ see 1
3/ you should draw with a slin pin, gauge of your choosing and inject sub-q ANYWHERE. doesn't need to be stomach.
4/ see 1
5/ see 1 (virtually same question as 4)
I actually feel dirty now. That was like spoon feeding my nephew information because he's too coddled to look it up himself