first time making fina.


New member
I will convert 2g of finaplix using a kit from research kits.
I understand the process. But I don't know the exact amounts of BA, BB and oil I should use?
If I use one cart which is 2g of finaplix, how much solvent do I need to use to dissolve the pellets?
Do I use both BA and BB or what?
What is the magic solution?

Then, after the solution is dissolved, what type of oil is best to use?
sesame, grapeseed?
and how much do I pour in?

I want to make my concentration at 100mg/ml.
Any help out there bros?

I don't think I can use the powder calculator for this conversion.
pinme, all you have to do is order a 100mg/ml kit from a research company and you'll be set. They have the right amounts of everything for you. Check your PMs.
Hey bro,
how can I heat up my oil before adding into my fina solution?
Should I just throw the entire 100mg into the oven and bake it?
And for how long and at what temperature would I want to do this?
Concentration (mg/ml) 75
Powder Weight (mg) 2000
Specific Volume 0.75
Desired BA% 3
Desired BB% 8

Oil Volume 21.57
BB Volume 2.07
BA Volume 0.78
Powder Volume 1.46

Total Volume 25.9

That has a 3% loss factored in, since you cant get all the tren outa the gunk.
and for 100mg/ml - 3% loss

Concentration (mg/ml) 100
Powder Weight (mg) 2000
Specific Volume 0.75
Desired BA% 3
Desired BB% 8

Oil Volume 15.81
BB Volume 1.55
BA Volume 0.58
Powder Volume 1.46

Total Volume 19.4
Alright, so I will be using the finaplix pellets,
Can I just crush them before I put them into my dissolving solution?
But if I was to just put them into a straw and crush them, isn't there a sterility issue?
This is the main thing that I'm worried about.
This is my first time doing a conversion and I don't want it to end up with me getting a nasty ass abscess.
I've read the link on basskiller's website,
But he seems so nonchalant about the whole thing.
"put the oil in a muffin pan and then just draw it out?"
What the hell? the muffin pan itself isn't sterile,or do I just swab it with alcohol before?
"Put a marble inside the solution to crush the pellets."
So afterwards, how do I get the damn marble out?
I would expect that the marble would inhibit me from putting enough oil into the solution because the marble takes up space too.
Do I just use some tweezers to get it out?
Or just leave it in there throughout the whole process?
bro calm down.

put the pellets in the solvent provided with the kit. they will dissolve. after they dissolve add that to the oil or add oil to the pellets which ever bottle is bigger. shake well and let settle. draw off gold and filter. then bake at 275f for an hour if you like or dont. either way you be set after that.

dont make this complicated becaus its not. very simple. dont worry about putting the oil in a cake pan cause you gonna sterilize everything together afterwards.
For only 2g of fina, you'll have enough room along with the marble. In fact that's the exact way Im going to make my tren too. It seems like its the easiest way by far. I wonder what the marble is there for?

Yes, anything that needs to be strile should be wiped well with alcohol.

You don't really need to crush the pellets. In 24 hours it should have dissolved on its own.
the muffin pan is gonna become sterile as its getting baked in the oven....
the marble just comes out when u dump the powders into the vial, which then u just catch it
jynx said:
For only 2g of fina, you'll have enough room along with the marble. In fact that's the exact way Im going to make my tren too. It seems like its the easiest way by far. I wonder what the marble is there for?

Yes, anything that needs to be strile should be wiped well with alcohol.

You don't really need to crush the pellets. In 24 hours it should have dissolved on its own.

alcohol dont streilize.
Thanks guys!
I was going to buy BA BB and oil in bulk from
Awesome prices!
But does it matter what type of oil I use?
They carry cottonseed and grapeseed oil,
What's the difference?
Which one is better?
I will get 475ml of this stuff.
So which oil is better to be used with all types of conversions?
So should I just put up the extra cash and go with the sesame oil?
Or is cottonseed or grapeseed ok?
Any experiences out there with these oils?