Needing help with homebrew tren e


New member
Hello guys I'm new to this site, thank you for having me.

I'm also new to the homebrew scene too, decided it would be cheaper and less hassle with customs just to brew my own supply...

So I made some test e with no issues..

Decided to make my tren e last night and I seems im having some issues with it... I used

25g tren e powder
2ml ba
20 ml bb
53.275 fractionated coconut oil (Mct)

Added powder into beaker
Added ba/bb in beaker
Stirred for about 15 minutes

Then added oil to the mix and mixed for another 20 minutes ... it started to dissolve and get somewhat clear.... added 100 degrees heat and stirred some more... everything looked good to go... so I let it cool down to room temp which is prolly 65 since it's a little cold outside.

Woke up the next morning (today) and it looked like it was seperated and then when I started to swirl it around it had gotten really cloudy.

I honestly do not know what to do, I've been trying to research and find a solution to my problem...

It's hard to sift through all the bull

Thank you for your help
Hello guys I'm new to this site, thank you for having me.

I'm also new to the homebrew scene too, decided it would be cheaper and less hassle with customs just to brew my own supply...

So I made some test e with no issues..

Decided to make my tren e last night and I seems im having some issues with it... I used

25g tren e powder
2ml ba
20 ml bb
53.275 fractionated coconut oil (Mct)

Added powder into beaker
Added ba/bb in beaker
Stirred for about 15 minutes

Then added oil to the mix and mixed for another 20 minutes ... it started to dissolve and get somewhat clear.... added 100 degrees heat and stirred some more... everything looked good to go... so I let it cool down to room temp which is prolly 65 since it's a little cold outside.

Woke up the next morning (today) and it looked like it was seperated and then when I started to swirl it around it had gotten really cloudy.

I honestly do not know what to do, I've been trying to research and find a solution to my problem...

It's hard to sift through all the bull

Thank you for your help

Well I'm wondering how I can fix this... going to hold off on pinning. Lol.
Not yet... I was going to right now actually....

It has cleared up quiet a bit, but it's seems like it's seperated... the top half is like a really really light pale gold color and the bottom have is a gold color...

I said fuck it and just going to
Filter it
I have zero experienced but read some different things. I've read some places where people's form "tren balls". It falls out of solution and settles. Seem to be a tricky one. You're ahead of those guys!

1) pre filtering oil can help clean it up and lets it's hold more of whatever we want to suspend in it. Example is if you want to use water to dissolve something distilled water is best. The higher the temperature the higher the saturation point, the lower the temp the lower the saturation point.

2) people used more BB I believe. . . Higher ratio of solvent

3) heating and then cooling very slowly.

Definitely follow up!! Following along