First time user running 500 mg a week Test E Cycle


New member
Hi, I am running a 500mg a week cycle of test e for my first time and I just hit 12 weeks. I am looking to get off of it and I am looking to run letrozole. What does everyone reccomend?
Why would you run letro? That's an exceptionally harsh AI. If you're planning on using an AI as part of PCT, I never understood why guys do that. You're not looking to tank your estrogen (which will happen on letro, sometimes even on heavy aromitizing compounds), you're looking to bring back your natural test production, so nolva and/or clomid would be just fine.
you should of been running an AI during your cycle. Now your coming off cycle and going into PCT with elevated estrogen levels. Its estrogen that is going to keep you from being able to restart natty test production, as your brain sees elevated estrogen in the body and will not tell the testes to produce more test. this is why you need to run an AI during cycle and keep estrogen at reasonable ranges.

Letro is harsh but being your coming off cycle now and you didn't run an AI, its probably the best choice for you to use right now so you can get your estrogen levels down quickly so you can get your natty production back on as quickly as possible.

The other option is to stay on test at a low dose for a few more weeks and run an aggressive dose of an AI. That will give you a bit more time to acclimate to your gains. But if your getting off and going to pct now, then yeah run Letro

I would disagree with all of this, but I think the best course of action is to get bloodwork done.