First time user...


New member
Thinking about 12 weeks of Deca and Prop.

300-400mgs a week of each, while taking Nolva to combat bitchies, cause that shit scares me...and post cycle of HCG.

Can I get some opinions on this? Any hints tips? Thanks in advance.
6 foot, 202lbs....been training for about...9 years....I have just dieted down to 202 from 225lbs...pretty solid...not fat at all.

Diet is perfect, training is fine I use DoggCrapp sometimes....about 6 months at a time.

Never ran gear before, strength is like this, 100lbs DBs in sets for flat press, 495 Dead, 405 squat, 265 Bent get the idea...

I have just never taken before, I know lots about it...but never taken, just want some opinions on this cycle.
You need more than just Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for pct.And for your first cycle,a test only would be best.Read that link Aboot put up for ya,and then read it again.
Compared to enan and cyp, prop is only better when you need a shorter cycle (kicks in earlier) or if you're subject to drug testing. Other than that, stick w/ a long ester. It's easier on the injections and for some reason it seems that people gain more on the two former ones.

I don't know the technicalities behind that - maybe its just because people stay on them longer. Test is test.