First time using HCG, my results...


New member
My post cycle therapy (pct) results and it worked!!!
For the first time after a cycle I kept my gains every single pound of it even after 6weeks of being off. Here is my cycle and what I did after it. Before I started HCG I always lost some gains after a cycle. Using HCG this time got things going fast and allowed my natural test production to get moving faster. I have the blood tests results to prove it which I will post at the end of this message. Ok, here it is...

My last cycle:

Wks 1-10 enanthate 1000mg wk Days 1-70
Wks 6-12 tren 100mg ed Days 42-84
Wks 6-12 winstrol 50mg ed. Days 42-84
Wks 1-12 liquidex .5mg ed Days 1-84
Wks 1-16 Nolvadex 10mg ed Days 1-84

post cycle therapy (pct)------> Days 72-82 HCG 500IU's ed
post cycle therapy (pct)------> Days 1-84 liquidex .5mg ed
post cycle therapy (pct)------> Days 72-87 Nolvadex 20-40mg ed
post cycle therapy (pct)------> Days 87-108 Clomid 50mg ed
post cycle therapy (pct)------> Days 70-112 Creatine ed

Last shot of enanthate is day 70.
Last shot of Winstrol (winny) and tren were day 84.
Hcg is run starting the last week of cycle and continues for about 5 days after.
Nolvadex is run 20-40mg ed days 72-87.
50mg Clomid is run on days 87-108.

I gaing a solid 10 lbs with a bf loss of about 1-2% , no water gain at all.

I got my blood tests done 4 weeks after my cycle was over(towards the end of my post cycle therapy (pct). The results are below.
-Test levels 339 (&climbing) normal range=240-800
-Estrogen <10 normal range= Less than <54 is acceptable
-LH 12.6 normal range= Less than 12.5
-HCG <2 normal range= Less than <10

-I was able to get erections often and easily during HCG treatment
-I had no problem getting erections during post cycle therapy (pct) but got my sex drive back during week 3-5 of post cycle therapy (pct)

My next cycle will be 14 weeks:
Test Enanthate wks 1-12
EQ wks 1-12
Dbol wks 1-6

Final thoughts to help anyone who needs it. USE HCG in low doses 300-500 ed for no more than 10 days. IT WORKS well to jump start post cycle therapy (pct). Nolvadex can be used only by itself if you don't like clomid. Just up the dose some.
I kept training hard and kept all my strength because I forced myself. I think that helped alot. I remember reading somewhere that heavy traing helps boost test levels.
Not to burst your bubble, but, those numbers aren't anything to brag about.

I'm glad you feel good but I don't think you're being completely objective.

For instance...

You really didn't stop until day 84, at which point you still had elevated levels from your last shot test.

You got a blood test 4 weeks after the cycle, fresh off of a heavy course of Clomid and your T level was 339? And you're happy with that? Bro, a level of 300 makes you eligable for HRT.

Since there's some rebound effect to HCG and Clomid, your T might be even lower now and in the future. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but HCG keeps your T elevated for baout 3 weeks, at which point it will slowly decline to base level -- even further since your HPTA is supressed.

You say you gained no water at all, but that's pretty hard to assertain. Once the rebound of Nolva hits, you'll be holding water no matter what.

You gained 10 pounds after all that? Dude, you could have done that with half the gear for half the length with the right diet, training and supplements.

I'm not trying to rag on you. I'm just making a point that when dealing with a multiude of drugs the drawbacks can outweigh the benefits.

Now I know he response you wanted to get, and may get from others was; "Congratualtions bro! Nice work!" But it ain't. And if you think you're doing alight with a T level of 339, you're kidding yourself.

Hope you stay well though . Good luck.
Nelson, that wasn't what he wanted to hear! I respect your straight forwardness. You say what you believe and don't bullshit like so many others.:D
Hey Nelson, I've never been a fan of HCG and I have heard some very negative things about it. Are you against the use of HCG?
bro, I gotta know: what are your stats- number of cycles under belt, hieght, age, wieght. That is a nice amount of gear and you only got 10 pounds from it? Let me know im just curiose.
Hey Nelson, I've never been a fan of HCG and I have heard some very negative things about it. Are you against the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?

I never said I wasn't a fan of HCG. Like so many drugs it can be highly benificial -- if used correctly. But too many guys just shoot away and expect everything to turn out all right.

I think HCG is good for athophied testicles. However, its benefits are mostly cosmetic in my opinion. I do not think it helps much in kick starting the HPTA. In fact, it keeps it supressed longer. That doesnt mean I'd never recommend it. I'm on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and I do HCG 2500 IU's (over the course of 3-4 days) every couple of months, but again, mostly to have nice plump balls.

HCG will also raise estrogen -- A LOT. Anyone who says there's no evidence of that doesn't know what they're talking about.

As an aside, this is why Tribulus raises e in some people -- because it increases LH production. (slightly, and in various amounts deepending on the individual) LH increases both T and e. When you're supressed, there's more of a chance of less T and more being released. This is why trib sucks for older men.


Post-Cycle from
Don't go "off" without it.

Nelson Montana said:

I think HCG is good for athophied testicles. However, its benefits are mostly cosmetic in my opinion.

HCG will also raise estrogen -- A LOT. Anyone who says there's no evidence of that doesn't know what they're talking about.

So HCG is only good for making your nuts larger and raising your estrogen levels. Well, it doesn't seem like it's that beneficial then.

I've heard of guys developing gyno from HCG. I assume that it's effect on their estrogen levels had something to do with that.
im also curious to see stats

thats a lot of gear, and a lot of shots, for a long time for 5kilos
So HCG is only good for making your nuts larger and raising your estrogen levels. Well, it doesn't seem like it's that beneficial then.

I've heard of guys developing gyno from HCG. I assume that it's effect on their estrogen levels had something to do with that.

Well, of course, HCG raises T too. And if you've done a hard cycle where your nuts are raisons, HCG will help in that it'll get them out of the dormant stage faster. But yeah, there's more of a chance of getting gyno from HCG than from test. The increase in natural test will still aromatize, PLUS, you get a surge in natural estrogen. (which is why there's such a boost in libido while on HCG).
The object of post cycle therapy (pct) is to return suppressed T levels to normal. To do this, you need your testes back to normal size and you need to get the pituitary to start pumping out LH again. HCG rapidly increases testicular size. It can be used at low doses during a cycle to maintain testicular size or it can be used at the beginning of a post cycle therapy (pct). Yes, HCG increases E levels, but that is why you take an anti-e with it. Typically, one is already taking arimidex or aromasin during an aromatizing cycle, so one is protected from any excess E from the HCG use. post cycle therapy (pct), nolvadex is coupled with HCG to block E and stimulate the release of LH from the pituitary.

Nolvadex/Clomid stimulate the pituitary to produce LH. So, by the time the testes are back to normal size, then the pituitary will be able to function on its own and start producing its own LH. I still think the key is testicular size and getting the size back as quickly as possible.
DrJMW said:
The object of post cycle therapy (pct) is to return suppressed T levels to normal. To do this, you need your testes back to normal size and you need to get the pituitary to start pumping out LH again. HCG rapidly increases testicular size. It can be used at low doses during a cycle to maintain testicular size or it can be used at the beginning of a post cycle therapy (pct). Yes, HCG increases E levels, but that is why you take an anti-e with it. Typically, one is already taking arimidex or aromasin during an aromatizing cycle, so one is protected from any excess E from the HCG use. post cycle therapy (pct), nolvadex is coupled with HCG to block E and stimulate the release of LH from the pituitary.

Nolvadex/Clomid stimulate the pituitary to produce LH. So, by the time the testes are back to normal size, then the pituitary will be able to function on its own and start producing its own LH. I still think the key is testicular size and getting the size back as quickly as possible.

But doc, hasn't the theory that once the testes are back to normal size they would then start producing their own LH been shown to be little more than conjecture? And in truth, the use of HCG sensitizes the Ledig cells , which in turn would slow recuperation?

Also, the use of any exogenous substance will cause suppression of endogenous production, therefore, the use of HCG is only a "quick fix" and sooner or later the body has to start producing hormones on its own. That's not to say that there isn't viable use for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), but it's hardly the magic bullet many people make it out to be.
I don't know about everyone else, but as soon as I jump on clomid my nuts go from small to huge within a day. If clomid is able to do this very rapidly, would HCG even be worth getting?