First time With Clen and really any type of steroid please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
So ive been using thermogenics for a long time now. At my heaviest I weighed 275 when i was 16 and i was 5'11". Im now 20 and im at 204. Mainly been doing insanity and insanity/ the asylum. I just picked up clen and i need help. My clen comes in 60mcg tablets I hae 57 of them. I think im going to do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Can some one help me with a reccomended amount of when i should up and when i should taper back down. Also ive seen people stacking clen with benodryl, and t3/ that necessary? One last thing is it ok to take thermos when im not taking clen or is it too harsh. Please let me know. thanks
ok ok ok... Id be careful with this if you currently have high blood pressure. I am running clen now and it really raises your BP a lot. Dont take it past 3pm or else you may have insomnia- even then it depends. I would recommend this cycle for your clen:

half tab for 2 weeks daily when waking
half tab when waking up, and half tab after lunch daily x 2weeks
1 tab when waking up, 1 tab at lunch x 2 weeks
half tab when waking up, and half tab after lunch daily x 2weeks
half tab for 2 weeks daily when waking

this will help you ramp up and wein off them somewhat safely.

People dont cycle it with benedryl, they take the benedryl if they cant sleep... this is probably because they take it too late in the day. I would not recommend this asit just pust more strain on your liver- yet sometimes I need to also.

Dont take taurine or other thermos yet. See how the clen reacts to you- it is strong and often unpleasant for myself, and others.

I would also run a test cycle with this if I were you. It will help you lean out some. Something small like sustanon or Test E/Prop. You will gain water weight but will loose it at the end, throw some anavar in there.

wish you luck and let us know the progress- im taking my Clen PEN now as we speak. haha. its strong shit, be careful.
Thanks bro I appreciate it, yeah the clen is pretty strong but I've been taking thermos for awhile so I guess I'm use to it. I'm glad I don't need to take Benadryl . Also what are your feelings on an Eca stack. And when you're off of clen for your two weeks are ou going to take anything for energy or no?
you only need benedryl if you cant sleep, or any other sleeping aid. Sorry I dont know what an ECA stack is. Anything for the energy after the clen- well you should have energy, unless you have chronic fatigue and then id reccomend you getting some ritalin from your doc. be careful of the thermos, im not a big fan but they can do some damage to you.

AGain, id go on a test/var cycle.