First timer need some advise

Doc 44

New member
Alright I'm 19 years old weigh 11 stone and am 5 foot 10. I've been training for now for 8 month and have only gained 5 killos of muscle. I have used various protien shake supplements and eat like a horse everyday. I tried using dianabol tablets for a while but got really sore balls and lest side of stomach sp got rid of them. I am wanting to try a cycle of injectables to see if I can get good results so I've just spent 100 quid on a bottle of sustanon and deca durabolin. I'm going to begin at the start of march and I'm not sure the dosages to take and which days to be takin them. Also what other stuff to be talkin with this cycle like an anti estrogen, vitamins protien powder creatine powder. Also I seen someone told a newbie not to use deca on the first cycle. Could anyone help me out on this as I'm definitely going for it and a don't want to kill maself or see any side effects on maself for doing something wrong cheers
too young for gear. at least you have to be 21 with excellent plateau, or to be 23 in a good way.
Bro at 19 years old you have no business running anything. At 19 your natty test is at an all time high adding any more will just yelled some nasty and possibly irreversible sides. You should be getting some good gains at your age, you must not be eating the right food. Do some research on dieting and stay away from the juice for the next couple of years.
so you are 5-10 and weigh a 154lbs and your considering AAS at 19 when your first run was a disaster??

never run a oral only cycle. test is always the base

you said it yourself that you have gained 12 lbs in the last 8 months. if you eat right and work out hard you should be able to keep the gains coming. your diet is clearly the issue. Talk to 3J and get it fixed.

5-10 and 154 is pathetic bro. you need to learn how to eat. Wait a while, use your natural potential and EAT MORE!

also, please post up your diet
you gained 10 lbs in 8 months.... If you gain 10 pounds every 8 months for 10 years you will be around 300 lbs or 22 stone... Have a little patience... Give it a few years...
FYI one bottle Sustanon (sust) will only last u apx 5 weeks... If u are going
To run AAS regardless of how many people here tell u not to. I would get 2 more bottles (15 weeks worth). And yes please stay away from deca until u figure out your first compound If u do deca anyways u not only need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) u also need a prolactin aid. Also a pct will be in order to conclude cycle. Check above sticks on what I'm talking about. But look at spending ALOT more money to do things safe and correct
Ano I understand that you guys think I'm to small and young for this but I want to give it a try and see what sort of weight I could gain In 10 weeks and if it's more than I have gained in 8 month it was worth it. Could someone give me a little info on when and how much and also what else I need to buy to keep myself healthy. Aslo do I need deca and what does deca actually do to you because I read that you don't really need it first time but i have it ordered and cannot cancel now. Also is 100 quid a reasonable price for sus n dec. Cheers
Come back and post in 3 yrs that time you of put on 35lb and be 22.5 yrs old....than your ready for a pin
Ano I understand that you guys think I'm to small and young for this but I want to give it a try and see what sort of weight I could gain In 10 weeks and if it's more than I have gained in 8 month it was worth it. Could someone give me a little info on when and how much and also what else I need to buy to keep myself healthy. Aslo do I need deca and what does deca actually do to you because I read that you don't really need it first time but i have it ordered and cannot cancel now. Also is 100 quid a reasonable price for sus n dec. Cheers
Ano I understand that you guys think I'm to small and young for this but I want to give it a try and see what sort of weight I could gain In 10 weeks and if it's more than I have gained in 8 month it was worth it. Could someone give me a little info on when and how much and also what else I need to buy to keep myself healthy. Aslo do I need deca and what does deca actually do to you because I read that you don't really need it first time but i have it ordered and cannot cancel now. Also is 100 quid a reasonable price for sus n dec. Cheers

If you dont know what DECA is and does to you shouldn't mess with it.

rather than a 100 "quid" on gear, waist it at Mickey Ds bro. you may put on a few lbs
Cheers four1 so how much like 1ml every Monday then or what

Bro you don't listen very well. These aren't your regular supplements, they will come with side effects that at your age will be extremely pronounced. You make it seem as though they are a miracle drug that will magically make you grow. Your not ready for this do some research and find out on your own.
I understand you guys don't want me to do this but can someone please tell me how to run a cycle of sustanon. How much to take on what day and what other drugs to take with it.
Come on man you obviously haven't done your research. Why order something before you know how to use it or what sides it may produce? And at 154 lbs you are not eating enough. I don't care how much you say you are eating if you are not gaining weight than you are not eating enough simple as that.
Everyone is right.... you can really mess your body up taking gear that young. Right now you are still learning your body and what works and what doesnt. Why dont you list what your average day is like as far as food, supps and work out routine and let the critiques begin. 10 years from now when you know your body inside and out and have hit the wall naturally then you can start to think about gear...But it is not worth messing your hormones up at a young age. Steroids should not be a means to get big quick, it should be a means to get over a hurdle that cant be done naturally and you wont be there until you are much much older. But def list your diet and supps and how you exercise and you will get some great tips. Sometimes just a change in diet and routine can sky rocket your gains.
Ill say this once, dont do it. put it away for a few more years mate. you dont have enough gear, you dont have any other products that you need. you will learn all this by reading everything thats available on this site. steroids arent this magical pill or oil that makes you huge, it helps but its the food you eat that determines everything. get a diet made up by 3j and that alone you will be happy with the results i promise you.

or you can choose not to listen and fuck yourself up. up to you. if you wana go do it thats your call but dont come back crying when you realise what a mess youve made with yourself. steroids are something you need to know inside and out before even attempting them. take the advice kid, be smart