First Timer On a Supplement Forum

Hey everyone.

My name is Donovan, I am 24 years old. I have been lifting since freshman year, and really have just grown closer to the weights as time progressed. It is my favorite outlet and at this point I would call it an addiction.

Currently, I am 5'11" and 189LB. I have ran one cycle already, which was BP Test C and BP SuperTest, at 1cc a week of both for a total of about 650mg per week, 10 weeks long. Had a great diet thanks to my #1 supporter, and made some solid gains. Attached is a picture of my end result at 204LB.

I came here to learn some more about cycling, and hopefully gain more knowledge from those whom are a far more of a veteran level than I.

I have just ordered my next cycle, which will be:

GP Test C - 500mg week - 16 weeks. Monday / Thursday split.
GP Superdrol - 10/10/20/20
Anastrozole - .5mg EOD

Nolva - 100/50/50/20 - Beginning one week after last injection.

Also orderd some TUDCA, Liv52, and have milk thistle on hand for liver support.

I wanted to keep this cycle a little more simple, but run it longer than my last 10 week cycle. I felt like that wasnt enough time. Plus that SuperTest fucked me up with PIP. Lesson learned.

Very open to constructive comments and concerns. I have never joined a forum like this because it always seems like a tough environment to be accepted into, lol.
Hopefully I am worthy.

hey bud, welcome to ology.
looking great in your pic and great stats.

u should always run HCG DURING your cycle to help with regaining all your natty test when you jump on pct and ur boys don't shrink up too much .
pct, i see you added nolva but no clomid?

I'd wait 15-18 days after your last injection of test C before starting Pct.

don't have nac ON hand, Use it. whenever using any orals its good to use precautions.

good luck. :)
Hey fitguy.

Thanks for you info, I appreciate it. I really have been considering using HCG. Everything I read about it just makes sense.
For my cycle, what would be an appropriate dosage?
Also, that would normally be administered on the day after, or the day-of my Test dosage?
Honestly, the reason there is no clomid is because of the information I have received is that it is not 100% necessary. It seems to be regularly included however on much of what I've been reading on this board..

Thank you for the kind words. Iron worship is my favorite thing to do, besides going fast. I hope I can take it even further with this forum.
hcg dosage at 500ui a week. i usually split my dosage twice a week, I'm still learning more about hcg so i hope some vet can chime in on when to take it, as ill get the answer as well :)
well, There is a good reason for running nolva and clomid together, it seems that clomid over time will downregulate the GnRH receptors in the pituitary, running nolva actually upregulates the GnRH receptors.So, running both will give you the best bang for your buck as they both compliment each other. its your body and I'm sure you would rather take extra steps to prevent any issues rather then regret in the future.
Absolutely. That is why im here. I actually still have time to adjust my order, as im waiting on my bitcoins to load..
So, if I have to add some more things, I am completely ready to do that. My number one goal is to stay healthy & be smart.
Absolutely. That is why im here. I actually still have time to adjust my order, as im waiting on my bitcoins to load..
So, if I have to add some more things, I am completely ready to do that. My number one goal is to stay healthy & be smart.
Not to derail your thread, but might you explain bitcoins? Sounds like it's real convenient but I haven't the foggiest idea how it works
Bitcoins are very useful.. Basically they are 100% un-traceable to begin. They are kinda like stocks, as their value fluctuates up and down.
If you have an Android phone like me, you can go to the play store to download a bitcoin "wallet". It links to your bank account, and you can purchase bitcoin with normal currency. The source I use gives a 20% discount for using that as your payment method. PM me if that doesnt make sense.

So on adding HCG and Clomid, I will be doing that. I see a lot of people do a Saturday/Sunday inj. for their HCG?
They are kinda like stocks, as their value fluctuates up and down.

ALL currencies fluctuate up and down in value . so no bit coins are not really similar to stocks at all, they are similar to other forms of currency (which stocks are not in any way).

They are an electronic payment system (formulated on a mathematical 'computerized' equation*). Therefore its a currency independent of any central authority , that can be transferred electronically , either from one person to another person or from one device to another device.
for example,
- I can send you 100 dollars worth of bit coin by transferring it to your digital 'wallet' on your cell phone and it will instantly be yours to used.
- or, I can transfer 1 million dollars worth of bit coin onto a USB micro card, and then stick that 'million dollar' usb card into a safe, and there that million dollars will sit protected in the safe (and untraceable).

* the mathematical equation/system is designed so that only a limited number of bit coins can be produced and therefore circulated into the 'digital economy' .. that way it can't be 'inflated' like paper money by just printing more . even though it is digital , the system has a built in safety of limited supply.

- also these bit coins are "mined" from the computerized system and put into circulation by actual 'bit coin miners' that use a very high amount of computing power to 'dig out' these bit coins from the digital world.
and yes it is almost like mining for gold ,, as you have to actually 'dig out' / mine, the bit coins in order for them to be put into the economy
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As you can see clearly Roush has a bit more knowledge about the system and how it works than I do. This is actually my first time using it for the sake of the discount. Either way the stuff is pretty interesting.
Quick update.

I am 6 days in on the Superdrol, and have done two 1cc pins so far.

This SD is serious. I started this cycle at 189lbs. This morning my weight was 196.8lbs. Strength has already gone up tremendously, and the pumps are literally out of this world. I did legs last night and could have sworn I turned to concrete for a minute there.

I picked up "Cycle Assist" from competitive edge labs (dont have the bottle right in front of me, but im pretty sure you all know what im talking about) and have had zero sides at 20mg a day. Also, still eating very clean with a daily absolute minimum of one gallon water. Pee is clear, eyes are clear, everything is well.

Let the fun continue!