First timer & Sustanon 250


New member
Hey friends,
I am a first timer with AS. I just moved back to the states and the only thing I could get is Sust 250 and Nolvadex, I have thought about doing a cycle for a long time and just recently decided to go forth with it (obvously). I heard that a first cycle is usually best with Test E only but whatever this is what I have. I have been working out for about 10 years roughly,yes I train legs hard yes I eat right yes I get enough rest etc. etc., before this(lifting) played basketball everyday and was getting boxing training on the weekends.

I am 6ft with a longer wing span,I have long arms and my genetics are that of a "cobra" my back outshines any muscle on my upper body by far especially when I am at low BF %. 2 1/2 months ago before I started cutting I weighed around 210 lbs, I varied in a whole lot of different methods (never stopping weightlifting) to lose fat and now I am around 180 or less, I have a nice strong upperabdominal definition but still have that lasst layer covering my lower abs, as what I fear always happens when I cut I lose a lot of muscle, especially in my arms, theyre long and difficult to keep weight on (in my eyes), I had enough so maybe AS will help. I also have recently incorporated IF (one month ago) as a way of feeding (I saw no real difference or increase in the rate I lost fat or retained muscle it just fits alot better with my lifestyle/job, Ive been eating 8 meals a day for many years and this change has been a blessing really).. So initially I thought Il do a a cycle while I cut (on my quest for an 8 pack) and lose minimal muscle while im in a Cal deficit, and I was told it would be a waist and if Im going to do a cycle I should eat alot and try to get the most muscle gain out of it, that makes sense to me, so my abs are being put on hold and im eating alot again (yes, clean)
Like I said the only thing I have is Sustanon 250, 2 bottles of 10 ML, and Nolvadex, I am about 3 injections in and will do then next one tonight, (alternating glute jabs lol)

The person I got it from doesnt speak very good english and I dont speak his language but from what I understand he suggested I inject 2x a week. 250mg the 1st and last weeks and 500 mg in between(weeks 2-7) for a total of 8 weeks post cycle therapy (pct) starting week 7 with Nolva 2x a day 10 mg tablets and natural test boosters starting week 8, 4 x a day and week 10(two weeks after last inject) 6x a day for two more weeks.

Ive read that Sust 250 needs a higher frequency of Injections due to short esthers.. up to EOD, others say they've had success with 2X a week just fine,, Im confused here, the guy (who I got it from says 2X a week is all i need).... So I guess my questions are in that of how the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) is.. does it seem normal and the frequency of the applications.. 2 x a week? EOD? E2D? I'd like to get some feed back by experienced users that also happen to be English speakers lol. Thank You

Post DATA Im 25 years old
Why the questions AFTER folks start injecting stuff into their bodies? Crap, I spent a year reading before I let a DOCTOR put testosterone into me!

Anyhoo, you're going to be injecting the sust twice a week at 3.5 day intervals OP. This is not going to change and you're not going to pyramid up/down as this has been shown time and time again to be broscience. You need to read the stickies on what a proper post cycle therapy (pct) is (yours is not what I would recommend) and then read the sticky on what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is. Estrogen is being made RIGHT now by your body in response to the excess testosterone in an attempt by your body to reach homeostasis. This is not a good thing.

Your cycle is also too short to see optimal results, so you're going to need at least another vial of sustanon and stretch it out to at least 12 weeks. 8 weeks is a complete waste of those long esters which require 4 weeks just to build up to appreciable levels in your blood. Just remember, diet is the biggest part of this equation, so if you don't have that in check - you're going to be disappointed for sure.

My .02c :)
Ok, so I have a SERM, which is good for post cycle therapy (pct) but I need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which I should be taking now and throughout my cycle including the beginning of post cycle therapy (pct), my diet is strict and in check and I need to go for about 4 more weeks with the sust to get optimal results. Yes this is late and hope not too late..? and what is OP in "3.5 day intervals OP"
Why the questions AFTER folks start injecting stuff into their bodies? Crap, I spent a year reading before I let a DOCTOR put testosterone into me!

Anyhoo, you're going to be injecting the sust twice a week at 3.5 day intervals OP. This is not going to change and you're not going to pyramid up/down as this has been shown time and time again to be broscience. You need to read the stickies on what a proper post cycle therapy (pct) is (yours is not what I would recommend) and then read the sticky on what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is. Estrogen is being made RIGHT now by your body in response to the excess testosterone in an attempt by your body to reach homeostasis. This is not a good thing.

Your cycle is also too short to see optimal results, so you're going to need at least another vial of sustanon and stretch it out to at least 12 weeks. 8 weeks is a complete waste of those long esters which require 4 weeks just to build up to appreciable levels in your blood. Just remember, diet is the biggest part of this equation, so if you don't have that in check - you're going to be disappointed for sure.

My .02c :)

Yup, cause "broscience" adds sooooo much to ones vocabulary lol!!! although, halfwit is def one of the better posters
Why the questions AFTER folks start injecting stuff into their bodies? Crap, I spent a year reading before I let a DOCTOR put testosterone into me!

Anyhoo, you're going to be injecting the sust twice a week at 3.5 day intervals OP. This is not going to change and you're not going to pyramid up/down as this has been shown time and time again to be broscience. You need to read the stickies on what a proper post cycle therapy (pct) is (yours is not what I would recommend) and then read the sticky on what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is. Estrogen is being made RIGHT now by your body in response to the excess testosterone in an attempt by your body to reach homeostasis. This is not a good thing.

Your cycle is also too short to see optimal results, so you're going to need at least another vial of sustanon and stretch it out to at least 12 weeks. 8 weeks is a complete waste of those long esters which require 4 weeks just to build up to appreciable levels in your blood. Just remember, diet is the biggest part of this equation, so if you don't have that in check - you're going to be disappointed for sure.

My .02c :)

Ok, so I have a SERM, which is good for post cycle therapy (pct) but I need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which I should be taking now and throughout my cycle including the beginning of post cycle therapy (pct), my diet is strict and in check and I need to go for about 4 more weeks with the sust to get optimal results. Yes this is late and hope not too late..? and what is OP in "3.5 day intervals OP"

3.5 days is how long your injects should have between them. Example: When using test cyp, I like to inject on Monday mornings and Thursday evenings, giving me roughly three and a half days in between injects. This allows your body to have nice smooth blood levels of the hormones, preventing spikes and troughs which can elevate estrogens and make you feel shitty. OP standing for "Original Poster" - you. I think you'll be fine as long as you are able to acquire an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) soon and you're able to acquire more sust before you run out. ;)

Edit: I don't know why, but your avatar creeps me the F out! LOL
Thank you for your response, the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is resulting more difficult to acquire , I asked to the guy for either letrozole or anastrozole and he responded what is that? I was like fuck lol and gave him the shorter more common names for it with no response so I told him just ask your friend(who he is getting it from) he should know, his English deficiency is not helping him as a middle.In turn not helping me as the custee, I found a lot of websites that claim to sell it but Im afraid to give out any card info to a random website, how would I know it would get to me and if it is really that,,, Il take 20 mg of Nolva a day until I have it in my hands which I hope will not be too long.
LOL thats funny I wasnt trying to creep ne1 out but ok ur comment made me laugh

3.5 days is how long your injects should have between them. Example: When using test cyp, I like to inject on Monday mornings and Thursday evenings, giving me roughly three and a half days in between injects. This allows your body to have nice smooth blood levels of the hormones, preventing spikes and troughs which can elevate estrogens and make you feel shitty. OP standing for "Original Poster" - you. I think you'll be fine as long as you are able to acquire an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) soon and you're able to acquire more sust before you run out. ;)

Edit: I don't know why, but your avatar creeps me the F out! LOL