First tren cycle / 4th total advice

yeah no need of the dbol with the other compounds you are running,, it's just gonna aromatize a ton.

look up John Kiefer, Carb Back Loading,,, this MAY be an option for you.. IFBB pro Ben Pakulski pretty much follows that protocol and he puts on weight and stays pretty lean

I read up on carb back loading. It seems totally crazy and contrary to everything I've ever learned about proper dieting for resistance training. Looks crazy awesome though. Eat 440 grams of white, high g carbs every night and gain mass while losing fat. Seriously? Anyone ever use this diet with any results? I'm very interested.
OK so here's an update and I have a couple questions.

I had such good results that I decided to up the doses and duration of this cycle.

For the last three weeks I tapered up to 75mg test prop ED and 100mg tren ace ED. I dropped the mast altogether. I was tolerating the dose very well until I switched sources. Herein lies the problem. I switched sources about 11 days ago. At that time I also added dbol back into the mix to end out the last 4 weeks of the cycle and began adding 5mg creatine daily. I am taking .25 adex EOD.

Unfortunately since switching sources and adding the dbol I have had some issues. I'm extremely tired and lethargic especially in the afternoon. I've also strained something in my neck that causes an awful migraine when I need to engage those muscles like during bench pressing and barbell curling. I suspect that my estrogen levels are too high but I'm not getting any gyno or much water retention. I'm in week 12 of this cycle and I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm wondering if I should suspend this cycle and let my body heal or if there's anything I can do to reduce the sides of headaches and lethargy. My overall look has really improved. I am still unhappy with my bf% but I'm not sure there's enough time to do anything about that. My strength is still through the roof.

Can I continue and just fight through for a couple more weeks? Can I take a week off and keep my levels going or is that not healthy? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
OK so here's an update and I have a couple questions.

I had such good results that I decided to up the doses and duration of this cycle.

For the last three weeks I tapered up to 75mg test prop ED and 100mg tren ace ED. I dropped the mast altogether. I was tolerating the dose very well until I switched sources. Herein lies the problem. I switched sources about 11 days ago. At that time I also added dbol back into the mix to end out the last 4 weeks of the cycle and began adding 5mg creatine daily. I am taking .25 adex EOD.

Unfortunately since switching sources and adding the dbol I have had some issues. I'm extremely tired and lethargic especially in the afternoon. I've also strained something in my neck that causes an awful migraine when I need to engage those muscles like during bench pressing and barbell curling. I suspect that my estrogen levels are too high but I'm not getting any gyno or much water retention. I'm in week 12 of this cycle and I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm wondering if I should suspend this cycle and let my body heal or if there's anything I can do to reduce the sides of headaches and lethargy. My overall look has really improved. I am still unhappy with my bf% but I'm not sure there's enough time to do anything about that. My strength is still through the roof.

Can I continue and just fight through for a couple more weeks? Can I take a week off and keep my levels going or is that not healthy? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Easy. Just get blood work to check your estradiol. Dbol jacks up your estrogen so if you didn't increase your AI dose when you started dbol it is probably that.

This is what happens when you start making al these changes and trying multiple things that you have never used before.
Unfortunately I live in a state where those private labs don't work for me (east coast).

Let's assume that the problem is higher estrogen. If that is the case will increasing my AI reduce the unpleasant sides?
Unfortunately I live in a state where those private labs don't work for me (east coast).

Let's assume that the problem is higher estrogen. If that is the case will increasing my AI reduce the unpleasant sides?

Hop in the car. Let's not assume as that leads to bad conclusions. Be smart about this.