fix knot in shoulder so can return to beast mode


Mr. Micropenis
My left shoulder keeps getting a knot in it and its inhibiting my train inhibiting my gains. I've been stretching it. Foam rolling it. Tennis balling it. Anyone have experience fixing a shoulder issue
I've been dealing with a nerve issue in my upper trap/back for testing past couple years. It's been really bad lately. Is yours in the muscle or nerve related?

The chiropractor has helped me alot and there are some peptides also
I've been dealing with a nerve issue in my upper trap/back for testing past couple years. It's been really bad lately. Is yours in the muscle or nerve related?

The chiropractor has helped me alot and there are some peptides also
Most chiro's suck because they just want a routine alignment. There are some good ones out there. I think it is muscle related and I rather it be muscle related. It feels like a knot right where you would inject if you were hitting your delt. It is only on my left side. I walk my bulldog on that side and she likes to pull. I plan to get a wireless collar and concentrate on balancing out my back with front. I feel like it is mostly caused by my lagging back muscles which allow for my shoulders to roll forward. I stopped doing presses and only do pulls so I can allow my back to catch up