Fixing to began my 3rd cycle, need advice


New member
I am a 19 year old 5'11 190 college student. in pretty good shape as you can see in the pic at the bottom. I am a former collegiate baseball player. I workout everyday usually. My first cycle was Decca and Test my sophomore year of high school and created my base for what was to come. I went from 135 to 155. I did not get back on gear till the end of my junior year of high school and I did test injects and d-Bol and at the beginning I weighed roughed 180 and jumped to 207 by the end and experienced good quality gains. I have set the foundation for this cycle and if it is done right I am hoping this is my last one. I am looking for gear that would give me 10 to 15 solid pounds of muscle and still look very good by the time I go to Panama City beach for spring break. I want to look like a beast. I need to know which cycle would give me the best chance at achieving my goal and also I have to have the gear out of my
System by August. Thank you for your future advice brothers.[user]=137144792&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
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Only gear u need is good quality food. Your too young for gear. U can't even buy beer yet. Get your diet rite. For 2 cycles, your weight is still low...
The two cycles I did way to early while
I was still growing. I was 207 11% bf and since dropped to 7% 190. I know diet does wonders but I just wanna look absolutely huge for SB
Most ppl on this board are gona bash you for being to young bro. So don't expect much feedback. I would say that you need to do plenty of resurch. Make sure you take hcg and a good pct, that includes clomid. If say ur to young but you've already cycled twice, so just be safe and do it properly. Make sure your diet is clean so you will stay lean like u want. I would Mabe stick with test and a dry oral like Tbol or winny or Mabe var.
Your not going to get huge by spring break regardless. It takes years for that. not sure why winny came up in conversation. U really need your diet in check. Talk to 3j or somebody. U can do all the gear u want but it won't matter if your diet isn't rite.
I had a friend who was on 500mg test and a ton of anavar who put on 4lbs in 2 months because he was not eating rite. Nothing works with out food change your diet and watch how fast the results change. If you get all juiced up it will just make it harder to make gains naturally so its counterproductive.
Well in September I had 2 sliding disc causing severe pain with any type of movement with my back. I decided to not hurt myself for a future in the military and I have taken a month and a half off. I feel bad about myself. How long do you guys think it would take to get back to where I was