I wasnt giving advice my man what i said was fact and i have used slin ill be back on it next week also my misses of 8 years is a type 1 diabetic so no google hero's here

So if i take my slin go train for 45min or 1 hour it is wrong? So i need to workout then pinn slin and everything changes right? Amazing! I can tell you right now you shouldnt be using slin without legit pharmaceutical hgh anyway. Diabetic knowledge does not apply to guys that sgouldnt be using slin that was the only thing you are slightly correct about. Put it this way your little peptides are probably more harmful to the body than a few ius of slin..... You carry shit like gatorade with you and there is no way in fuck you are going to have problems with kiddy doses of slin
Oh ok i dont know any bodybuilders that take slin when they wake up then again before and after gym you are absolutely correct
And i do know people that take slin when they wake up and after the gym gys that are stacking long and short acting together even though i didnt mention anything about that i was only making comments on short acting after a session im not having a go at you mate no hostility here and whatever works obvisly your not dead so your doing something right
So if i take my slin go train for 45min or 1 hour it is wrong? So i need to workout then pinn slin and everything changes right? Amazing! I can tell you right now you shouldnt be using slin without legit pharmaceutical hgh anyway. Diabetic knowledge does not apply to guys that sgouldnt be using slin that was the only thing you are slightly correct about. Put it this way your little peptides are probably more harmful to the body than a few ius of slin..... You carry shit like gatorade with you and there is no way in fuck you are going to have problems with kiddy doses of slin

Slin is a peptide
Its a hormone a real one at that
Its a PEPTIDE hormone and what was i wrong about ???? And if i was wrong why was everybody agreeing with what i said? ?? Anyways like i said you dont take it pre workout like you saud you take your slin then workout for and hour so i dont no what slin you use but ive got novo rapid its peaks after about an hour and a half after you pin it so i would peak during my session and in your case all the fruit you have consumed has already released adequate insulin then your throwing 10 ius on top of that its really not that hard my protocol goes as follows
Pre workout usally curse
Finish have 8 ius novorapid
Protein shake with 80 grams of carbs fine powred oats for slow rel carbs and maltodextrin for fast absorbed carbs
45 to an hour later medium size high carb meal low fat so it dosnt mess with the absorption of the carbs with fruit juice on hand if for some reason i do go hypo there you go low risk easy to follow protocol not have your slin whenever before the workout and then consume as much fruit/juice as possible to not go low during
Blakey whats even more rediculous you also have never used slin i understand you guus feel like wizards because you google and memorize alot of shit..... Just remember in this game alot of knowledge comes from personal experience

reality check .. you drive your truck over a bridge that was designed by a guy who got his degree in engineering and was certified as an expert when he has NEVER once built a bridge in his life.. engineers, doctors, etc.. gain their knowledge from 'reading' 'memorizing' and knowing a lot of shit, but have zero first hand experience.. yet society trusts them with their lives.
"book smarts" earns you a degree and certifies you as an expert ,, experience does not mean shit in reality.

heck the best nfl coaches and football minds in the game never once played as an nfl football player.. just cause you 49er have experience sniffing glue as a kid, does not make you an expert in glue !! the guy that designed the glue, cause he was smart and well read, is the expert in glue (even though he may have never sniffed that shit) :)

just saying .. don't downplay book smarts, when your reality (the cars your drive, the phone you use, your whole damn life) is dictated by it.

note: one of the smartest and well educated guys on this forum has ZERO experience running gear himself personally .. yet his advice is usually spot on. why. because he has a degree in biology and knows what the hell he is talking about, despite not having first hand experience ..
thats why we have doctors that treat diseases, yet don't have the disease themselves. cause first hand experience often times does not mean shit
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reality check .. you drive your truck over a bridge that was designed by a guy who got his degree in engineering and was certified as an expert when he has NEVER once built a bridge in his life.. engineers, doctors, etc.. gain their knowledge from 'reading' 'memorizing' and knowing a lot of shit, but have zero first hand experience.. yet society trusts them with their lives.
"book smarts" earns you a degree and certifies you as an expert ,, experience does not mean shit in reality.

heck the best nfl coaches and football minds in the game never once played as an nfl football player.. just cause you 49er have experience sniffing glue as a kid, does not make you an expert in glue !! the guy that designed the glue, cause he was smart and well read, is the expert in glue (even though he may have never sniffed that shit) :)

just saying .. don't downplay book smarts, when your reality (the cars your drive, the phone you use, your whole damn life) is dictated by it.

note: one of the smartest and well educated guys on this forum has ZERO experience running gear himself personally .. yet his advice is usually spot on. why. because he has a degree in biology and knows what the hell he is talking about, despite not having first hand experience ..
thats why we have doctors that treat diseases, yet don't have the disease themselves. cause first hand experience often times does not mean shit

Finally was able to read this jibberish way to long..... So how on earth can someone have all the aas knowledge by reading when in fact tjere is very little data and there dam sure isnt data on running cycles. If you read so dam much why do you think everything is so toxic when in fact there is studies of children prescribed large doses of anadrol not no little 50mg doses. You think tren is toxic when i have been doing bloodwork for 3 years there is no exception toxic is toxic to everyone if 10,000 people swallow 100 pills of tylenol everyone is going to die tjere wont be 1 lucky fucker that does not get effected. Its so retarded to say you cant use slin before a workout it has to be precisely after lmao what studie can you point me out to that says that? That shit is for diabetics so your only going to have facts on diabetic use and even that has ro be tailored to everybody differently. Read all you want the guys that use the shit like tren and anadrol know the effects better than any google search its great you know how its chemical structure thats awesome good for you but doesnt apply for what we use it for :chainsaw:
By the way I don't trust doctors because they are only trained to give drugs to patients so f*** doctors
So how on earth can someone have all the aas knowledge by reading when in fact tjere is very little data

you do realize that it was/is 'book smart' guys with degrees in chemistry and biology that invented the steroids your taking to begin with, right . that they in the 'book smart lab' put together the chemical structure and made changes to positions in the chemical structure, designed it, built it , and made it available for human consumption .

you really think its only the meatheads with experiential knowledge of taking the compounds that have any say in the matter .. heck if it were not for the book smart guys to build the AAS for you , you'd have no experience.
stop biting and shitting on the hand that feeds you

note: and fyi , I'm not a book smart guy and have NO degree in anything .. I've become a successful businessman from street smarts and experience alone .. but I'm not such a self absorbed fool of myself guy that I can't appreciate the book smart guys that go that route and provide tremendous value to society.

its called educating oneself . experience is great , but not needed for education.
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By the way I don't trust doctors because they are only trained to give drugs to patients so f*** doctors

unfortunately, you live in the real world and life just like me .. one day you are going to be forced to trust a doctor , wither it be in the ER after suffering a heart attack, or to seek treatment for a fatal disease, and your life depends on his 'book smarts' . its only a matter of time .. one day you'll be forced to trust and seek treatment more then likely , thats just life.

tic tock tick tock tic tock tick tock .. yep , its coming for us all!
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By the way I don't trust doctors because they are only trained to give drugs to patients so f*** doctors

Thats BS. I know many Doctors I trust a great deal. As an Engineer I know what it takes too get a license and the Study involved. It's not just books. It time in the Lab practical sciense and experimentation. Rough you speak like you never went to College or took science classes for none science majors.

There is a lot of Data on the science of steroids. you just don't speak the language.
Thats BS. I know many Doctors I trust a great deal. As an Engineer I know what it takes too get a license and the Study involved. It's not just books. It time in the Lab practical sciense and experimentation. Rough you speak like you never went to College or took science classes for none science majors.

There is a lot of Data on the science of steroids. you just don't speak the language.

To argue with you is a no winner and bann lol im pretty sure u get what im saying there is only info on medical uses no tren no superdrol so on and so on
There's 2 ways of doing things in 49'ers eyes guys, surely you get that by now?

There's 49'ers way - and there's the wrong way!
There's 2 ways of doing things in 49'ers eyes guys, surely you get that by now?

There's 49'ers way - and there's the wrong way!

Thats you dont grow nutz because the admin stepped in you lile yapping away and then back off now u wanna step in again? I dont need to read to figure out what works for me when i do stuff like this thats all i care about this was done with pure diet amd salads lol
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unfortunately, you live in the real world and life just like me .. one day you are going to be forced to trust a doctor , wither it be in the ER after suffering a heart attack, or to seek treatment for a fatal disease, and your life depends on his 'book smarts' . its only a matter of time .. one day you'll be forced to trust and seek treatment more then likely , thats just life.

tic tock tick tock tic tock tick tock .. yep , its coming for us all!

You guys are not understanding me book smarts apply to alot in life just doesnt really apply to what we do because we take doses way beyond what is prescibed for medical uses,, well use to be. By all means if you need surgery or have a infection doctors are needed. You know dam well the medical field is controlled and they are trained to prescibe drugs its a money system. I went in for a straimed back needed 3 days off work minor injury and the doc wanted to put me on norco and send me to therapy because its a miney driven world.

I still stand by it is rediculous to assume u cant take slin before workout. Im not even defending slin nobody exept pros should be using it but the dangers arre highly exaggerated and the take 3iu protocols online are retarded. Fuck slin nobody here needs it but i know a ton of guys that use it several times a day before and after gym and there is no studys on slin performed by anyone for building mass
Here is the thing, how intelligent do you think people are? Sure to some it seems like slin and taking it safely is just common sense, pure and simple.
However the fact is there are 18 yr old kids (and 40 yr old newbs for that matter) reading this that think hey this guy says any moron can do this safely, they try it, and they harm themselves. The thing with slin is it just takes one mistake. For example, you have never used a syringe, you mistake an iu for a cc. Sounds stupid as hell riight? How many times do we see threads like : where do I draw to if i want to take 200mgs of xyz? All the time. Make that mistake with slin and your dead.
I never get up in a bunch when people err on the side of caution when they recommend slin protocols. Never. In fact Id rather see that to be honest, just for the safety of the people reading about it.