Here is the thing, how intelligent do you think people are? Sure to some it seems like slin and taking it safely is just common sense, pure and simple.
However the fact is there are 18 yr old kids (and 40 yr old newbs for that matter) reading this that think hey this guy says any moron can do this safely, they try it, and they harm themselves. The thing with slin is it just takes one mistake. For example, you have never used a syringe, you mistake an iu for a cc. Sounds stupid as hell riight? How many times do we see threads like : where do I draw to if i want to take 200mgs of xyz? All the time. Make that mistake with slin and your dead.
I never get up in a bunch when people err on the side of caution when they recommend slin protocols. Never. In fact Id rather see that to be honest, just for the safety of the people reading about it.
Totally agree with that this whole thing is just about the fact they said you can't use it before that's my only issue I'll drop it