I am banned!
slin is a very person dependent compound . if your an endomorph, have a slow metabolism, put on fat easily or are slightly carb sensitive ,, then slin can just make you fat. you should not bother with it even at the pro level. if your more ectomorph, have trouble putting on weight, have a fast metabolism and have no issue with insulin or carb sensitivity,, then slin can be a very anabolic compound and help you add on size.
its not for everyone . its not like test that needs to be ran by everyone as a base for all cycles. its best ran only by guys with the body type to fully take advantage of slins anabolic properties, imo
its not for everyone . its not like test that needs to be ran by everyone as a base for all cycles. its best ran only by guys with the body type to fully take advantage of slins anabolic properties, imo