joltan said:
I went and purchased a bottle of each of these today. how much do i need to take ed? is there anything else i should include?someone told hempseed and olive oil should be added also. thanks
Well, cod liver oil is good at 9-14g a day, and there isn't much of a need for fish oil if you're taking cod liver oil. That is, unless you're taking a theraputic dose of fish oil...I believe that would be 1g/10lbs bodyweight. So say you weighed 220 lbs, you could take 14g of cod liver oil and 8g of fish oil, for a total of 22g of fish oil.
Cod liver oil is good to take with a glass of milk or with cheese if you can. If you take any antioxidants, take some with the fish oil and CLO. One other thing you can do is take the CLO with a bit of good butter (from an organic store). There's something about the fats in both that are synergistic. I think it has to do with the fact that taking CLO and butter bypasses most of the prostaglandin pathways, whereas flax oil and other plant oils must be converted into the proper forms via enzymes, and there are many many factors that can inhibit this pathway. So the CLO and butter just bypasses those possibly compromised (which is likely) pathways.
Flax oil...a couple teaspoons (NOT tablespoons) per day is fine, although I don't really recommend it. The reason has to do with what I mentioned above about the prostaglandin pathways. the alpha-linoleic acid in flax oil has to go through conversions to get into the proper form that your body can use (EPA) to make the necessary prostaglandins. And as I mentioned above, this conversion is likely compromised in one way or another, which will inhibit the already inefficient conversion of LNA (alpha-linoleic acid) into the required EPA.
I'm not keen on hemp oil, and I don't really recommend it.
Olive oil is ok, just in moderation. You don't have to "supplement" with could simply make your own Italian salad dressing out of good olive oil, vinegar, filtered water, and spices. They have packs of seasoning for this at the store...just pick some up, mix it up, and let it sit a day to get full flavor. Just use this over a salad and you'll get enough olive oil.