Hello all,
I'm looking to run my second cycle immediately after the coming season. This summer, I ran my first cycle and was happy with the results.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 239
Bench: 245x5 (recovering from shoulder surgery, weak bench, I know.)
Squat: 425
Power Clean: 315
40: 4.9
Pro agility: 4.12
My first cycle was Test Prop 150mg EOD with Anavar 75 mg ED, split morning and night. Halfway through the cycle, I traded anavar for gw 501516 to try to cut stubborn body fat. In hind sight, it wasn't the best decision, but it did result in the desired effect. Cycle only lasted 5 weeks, I ended up cutting it short due to paranoia about drug testing. PCT was clomid 14 days, 40 mg first 4 days then 20 mg through the end. From that cycle, I went from 229 19% BF to 239 12% BF. (BF was high because I was coming off surgery.)
Anyways, for my next cycle, I need to hit the testing window correctly. We are tested at the end of the season, approximately December, and again around April.
So I'm considering two options: first, I could run prop for 8 weeks with a 2 week dbol kickstart immediately after December testing, running standard pct and then running a cleanse to ensure I piss clean in april. Second, I was wondering if I could wait and run test suspension for 12 weeks, and stopping injections 3 days before testing, then beginning pct as soon as testing is over.
I have two main questions here. One - If I go with the first option, would that give enough time to run a short cycle in june/july? and two - for the second option, if I stopped pinning susp 3 days before testing after 12 weeks on, would I be clean?
Thanks in advance for any advice, friends.
(P.S. - I know I am a bit young to be doing AAS. However, after much thought and consideration, I've decided it's the best option for me. I hope to make it into the NFL -- I come from a poor family. My dream is to be able to buy happiness and stability for my mother, so the I see it, AAS can help get me there. Worst case scenario, I go on TRT for life, which I've decided is an acceptable risk. Thank you for understanding.)
I'm looking to run my second cycle immediately after the coming season. This summer, I ran my first cycle and was happy with the results.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 239
Bench: 245x5 (recovering from shoulder surgery, weak bench, I know.)
Squat: 425
Power Clean: 315
40: 4.9
Pro agility: 4.12
My first cycle was Test Prop 150mg EOD with Anavar 75 mg ED, split morning and night. Halfway through the cycle, I traded anavar for gw 501516 to try to cut stubborn body fat. In hind sight, it wasn't the best decision, but it did result in the desired effect. Cycle only lasted 5 weeks, I ended up cutting it short due to paranoia about drug testing. PCT was clomid 14 days, 40 mg first 4 days then 20 mg through the end. From that cycle, I went from 229 19% BF to 239 12% BF. (BF was high because I was coming off surgery.)
Anyways, for my next cycle, I need to hit the testing window correctly. We are tested at the end of the season, approximately December, and again around April.
So I'm considering two options: first, I could run prop for 8 weeks with a 2 week dbol kickstart immediately after December testing, running standard pct and then running a cleanse to ensure I piss clean in april. Second, I was wondering if I could wait and run test suspension for 12 weeks, and stopping injections 3 days before testing, then beginning pct as soon as testing is over.
I have two main questions here. One - If I go with the first option, would that give enough time to run a short cycle in june/july? and two - for the second option, if I stopped pinning susp 3 days before testing after 12 weeks on, would I be clean?
Thanks in advance for any advice, friends.
(P.S. - I know I am a bit young to be doing AAS. However, after much thought and consideration, I've decided it's the best option for me. I hope to make it into the NFL -- I come from a poor family. My dream is to be able to buy happiness and stability for my mother, so the I see it, AAS can help get me there. Worst case scenario, I go on TRT for life, which I've decided is an acceptable risk. Thank you for understanding.)