Football Player Steroid Cycle


New member
Hello all,

I'm looking to run my second cycle immediately after the coming season. This summer, I ran my first cycle and was happy with the results.

Height: 6'3
Weight: 239
Bench: 245x5 (recovering from shoulder surgery, weak bench, I know.)
Squat: 425
Power Clean: 315
40: 4.9
Pro agility: 4.12

My first cycle was Test Prop 150mg EOD with Anavar 75 mg ED, split morning and night. Halfway through the cycle, I traded anavar for gw 501516 to try to cut stubborn body fat. In hind sight, it wasn't the best decision, but it did result in the desired effect. Cycle only lasted 5 weeks, I ended up cutting it short due to paranoia about drug testing. PCT was clomid 14 days, 40 mg first 4 days then 20 mg through the end. From that cycle, I went from 229 19% BF to 239 12% BF. (BF was high because I was coming off surgery.)

Anyways, for my next cycle, I need to hit the testing window correctly. We are tested at the end of the season, approximately December, and again around April.

So I'm considering two options: first, I could run prop for 8 weeks with a 2 week dbol kickstart immediately after December testing, running standard pct and then running a cleanse to ensure I piss clean in april. Second, I was wondering if I could wait and run test suspension for 12 weeks, and stopping injections 3 days before testing, then beginning pct as soon as testing is over.

I have two main questions here. One - If I go with the first option, would that give enough time to run a short cycle in june/july? and two - for the second option, if I stopped pinning susp 3 days before testing after 12 weeks on, would I be clean?

Thanks in advance for any advice, friends.

(P.S. - I know I am a bit young to be doing AAS. However, after much thought and consideration, I've decided it's the best option for me. I hope to make it into the NFL -- I come from a poor family. My dream is to be able to buy happiness and stability for my mother, so the I see it, AAS can help get me there. Worst case scenario, I go on TRT for life, which I've decided is an acceptable risk. Thank you for understanding.)
You are very uneducated on aas. A test suspension cycle??? Test suspension is a pre-workout. You can't run it for a cycle! What you mentioned for pct isn't a standard pct at all. You didn't mention anything about an ai or anything. Read the steroids profiles at the top of the page. Your proposed cycles are a bit reckless...
Isn't the worst case that you get caught in drug testing and suspended?
On top of losing financial aid and/or scholarships. This is assuming we're talking college ball too. If this is high school, OP needs to leave the drugs alone period.

Sorry man, but AAS won't give you skill or heart. Save the drugs for when you HAVE to. I don't want to sound like a dick, but I had to give up on dreams of football due to injury. AAS will weaken joints and ligaments - which you need to be as strong as possible. Once you make D1, then you can start thinking about it.

Even then, I'm noticing pros are getting smaller and smaller. This tells me that they really are testing more and more - which trickles down to the collegiate level.
On top of losing financial aid and/or scholarships. This is assuming we're talking college ball too. If this is high school, OP needs to leave the drugs alone period.

Sorry man, but AAS won't give you skill or heart. Save the drugs for when you HAVE to. I don't want to sound like a dick, but I had to give up on dreams of football due to injury. AAS will weaken joints and ligaments - which you need to be as strong as possible. Once you make D1, then you can start thinking about it.

Even then, I'm noticing pros are getting smaller and smaller. This tells me that they really are testing more and more - which trickles down to the collegiate level.

As a former D1 footballer player i can assure you him getting popped for gear is highly unlikely. NCAA is all talk. They don't test the big programs and they sure as hell don't test the big programs during the course of an off season and if they do it's always the kicker or punter. Division III cross country teams are tested at a higher rate than a school like Alabama and it it's not by accident. Trust me
As a former D1 footballer player i can assure you him getting popped for gear is highly unlikely. NCAA is all talk. They don't test the big programs and they sure as hell don't test the big programs during the course of an off season and if they do it's always the kicker or punter. Division III cross country teams are tested at a higher rate than a school like Alabama and it it's not by accident. Trust me

I ran Test-E cycles every year I played D-1.
As a former D1 footballer player i can assure you him getting popped for gear is highly unlikely. NCAA is all talk. They don't test the big programs and they sure as hell don't test the big programs during the course of an off season and if they do it's always the kicker or punter. Division III cross country teams are tested at a higher rate than a school like Alabama and it it's not by accident. Trust me

Hence why I said until he makes D1. ;)
I never did any gear in college, but there was a linebacker my redshirt year that had just turned 20 and he was easily 6'0 220lbs 10-11%bf and i just kept thinking to myself that 20 year old boys aren't suppose to look like this. To the credit of a lot of D1 and D2 programs, they have great nutrition set in place for these guys to put on quality weight it's not just roids
Yes, I forgot to mention AI. I used adex in my first cycle, which I will use again the next cycle. And as I previously stated, the reason for running a susp only cycle is due to testing. If need be, susp can clear in a few days. Based on my research, however, I would have to pin twice a day. I understand entirely what test suspension is.

The PCT I used for my first cycle was not standard, but this is because I cut the cycle short. Based on some of the advice I was given, that was what I ended up doing. I got bloods done a week after PCT ended, and all levels are back to the same range as before cycle.
The 40 test is largely just a combine test. It doesn't really carry over to athleticism, especially at DE. My pro agility is 4.15, which is much more relevant for a DE.
I understand AAS can't give heart or skill. It will, however, give me strength and size. I failed to mention I'm already playing at a D1 school. In my mind, to reach my goals, I am at the point that I HAVE to - I am too undersized and not strong enough to be an effective athlete at the professional level.
Yes, I forgot to mention AI. I used adex in my first cycle, which I will use again the next cycle. And as I previously stated, the reason for running a susp only cycle is due to testing. If need be, susp can clear in a few days. Based on my research, however, I would have to pin twice a day. I understand entirely what test suspension is.

The PCT I used for my first cycle was not standard, but this is because I cut the cycle short. Based on some of the advice I was given, that was what I ended up doing. I got bloods done a week after PCT ended, and all levels are back to the same range as before cycle.

A week after PCT ends is too soon for blood work. 4-6 weeks is better.
I understand AAS can't give heart or skill. It will, however, give me strength and size. I failed to mention I'm already playing at a D1 school. In my mind, to reach my goals, I am at the point that I HAVE to - I am too undersized and not strong enough to be an effective athlete at the professional level.

I wish you the best of luck then. Just take it easy on those joints, they're more fragile than you realize.
The 40 test is largely just a combine test. It doesn't really carry over to athleticism, especially at DE. My pro agility is 4.15, which is much more relevant for a DE.

How old are you? Are you doing this under the auspices of a "team nutritionist" or by yourself? Are there other guys that have admitted to use?
Hello all,

So I'm considering two options: first, I could run prop for 8 weeks with a 2 week dbol kickstart immediately after December testing, running standard pct and then running a cleanse to ensure I piss clean in april. Second, I was wondering if I could wait and run test suspension for 12 weeks, and stopping injections 3 days before testing, then beginning pct as soon as testing is over.

I have two main questions here. One - If I go with the first option, would that give enough time to run a short cycle in june/july? and two - for the second option, if I stopped pinning susp 3 days before testing after 12 weeks on, would I be clean?

To question one: Yes, you have more than enough time for recovery between those two possible cycles.

I don't know anything about detection, but I know something about steroid esters. I've used suspension and it is certainly potent. The drawback is the injection pain. It would be a good ester to use at the end of your cycle(s) because of its quick clearance. However, at the beginning of a cycle there is no real reason for you to use it because you can instead use enanthate or prop. My point is, don't use painful gear that requires daily or twice daily injections until you have to.
That makes a lot of sense, I've never had to suggested before.

So instead of using susp through the whole cycle, I could use prop all the way through, drop the prop 2-3 weeks before testing and switch to susp, then stop the susp a few days before testing and piss clean, after which I could start PCT

Thank you for the feedback trevdog, that seems like my best option at this point.
The decreased collagen synthesis from AAS use is something I've thought about -- In your opinion, is anavar alone enough to raise collagen synthesis and keep joints strong and healthy?