Footlong's AML Review with pics! Test E, Mast E, Var

Good job bud. Did you have any sides with var at 60mg other than the upset stomach? Any sides from the mast?

the upset stomach went away quick. Usually I will break out with acne when I first start putting foreign substances in my body. I did a little with the var at the beginning. I dropped the arimidex last week and instantly noticed my back breaking out like fuck. I thought maybe I was using too much because my joints started to hurt a little.

With the masteron I never notice any sides. I have thick hair, and I barely or didn't even notice any thinning.
Doesn't matter about the weight you push IMO, what you are putting up is more than enough. Its how you work the muscle you know? I personally would rather put up 265 for a good 8 then half ass 315-330 for 5. I am the same way I cant go heavy because of prior injuries both in and out of the gym. what you are doing is obviously working well, keep it up man. looking forward to 6 weeks from now and see the final results!

volume, i would rather blast out 8-10 nice form controlled clean reps until failure than just get the bar up. Unless your strength training everyones goals are different.

How do you like the mast? is it your first time running?
What is there site? Any help is appreciated

PM me!

volume, i would rather blast out 8-10 nice form controlled clean reps until failure than just get the bar up. Unless your strength training everyones goals are different.

How do you like the mast? is it your first time running?

Exactly agree with you for rep range. I do some high volume sets and some low and medium. I vary it and keep the muscles guessing. Usually always fairly sore the next day after training that I end up doing a cardio day.

I have ran masteron once before actually for my first cycle. It was masteron, test, and tbol. I love tbol. Better bang for buck vs var but I decided to give var a try. I hear that dbol makes you feel amazing so next summer I will hit it in my cycle.

Comments like that tells us that YOU'RE the bitch. GTFO

Excellent gains dude. Nice freaking work. U can see the difference, no doubt. Keep up the hard work man.

Thanks bro, each day I hit the gym I make sure that the next day that muscle group is sore. Tear that muscle fascia!
yea dbol can be nice, im pretty lean so i dont get too bloated but put on weight even if alot is water. nice kick start. Var is nice. I like the strength the increase collagen synthesis and the skin getting tight lean and vascular
yea dbol can be nice, im pretty lean so i dont get too bloated but put on weight even if alot is water. nice kick start. Var is nice. I like the strength the increase collagen synthesis and the skin getting tight lean and vascular

yeah for sure, that's what I love about var. I want those crazy pumps of dbol I keep hearing about. I have a great source for thai pinks but I hear they haven't been made in a long time so I am questioning the potency or legitimacy of it even though my source I never had an issue with, ever.