Footlong's AML Review with pics! Test E, Mast E, Var

Definitely in for results! Going to place an order shortly for my first cycle, can't start it till October as I'm going away for a couple weeks... Just starting to accumulate knowledge and all the goods in the mean time.
Respect the way you're not letting your ego get in the way of your form, and the results show!
Definitely in for results! Going to place an order shortly for my first cycle, can't start it till October as I'm going away for a couple weeks... Just starting to accumulate knowledge and all the goods in the mean time.
Respect the way you're not letting your ego get in the way of your form, and the results show!

if you have any questions just ask around on how to properly run it if you aren't 100% sure. Knowledge is key, and I recommend getting your diet in check prior to starting. Just make sure its perfect, it makes a huge difference

Very nice transformation bro.

thank you sir
So are you doin a lean bulk? Whats you're surplus? Diet clean? I've never looked much into Mast, only thing I hear is it helps keep water retention down, which looks like its working for you.
So are you doin a lean bulk? Whats you're surplus? Diet clean? I've never looked much into Mast, only thing I hear is it helps keep water retention down, which looks like its working for you.

I been all over the map honestly. As you can see I was bulking before cycle. I had a couple weddings to attend which kind of fucked me up a little on diet side. The masteron is nice, I been using arimidex also. The masteron won't keep bloat down much with out an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). So if you plan to run it, make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) also.

My goal overall is to be 200 pounds at 8-9% body fat. I usually achieve it around fall then hit bulk in winter and go again in spring.