For my second


New member
Hi, I finished my first cycle of test a while ago and would now like to do my second, please let me know if this looks like an acceptable cycle. I'm trying to incorporate dbol orals to kickstart the beginning of it

Week 1-12: 600mg Test Cypionate, (300mg/ml) twice per week

Week 1-4: 30 mg Dbol ED

Week 1-12: .25mg of arimidex ED

50mg clomid ED

40mg Nolva ED


Please let me know how this looks and share any suggestions you might have, thanks
that looks like a solid cycle. you don't need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for this really but its still up to you. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does wonders and lots of people are either swear by it or hate it. I personally only run 250iu 2x a week throughout the cycle...if im running tren or npp I also do the blast phase. read the pct sticky at the top of the forum, that's what I followed and I recovered insane fast and kept most of my gains