force fed under standard Guantánamo Bay procedure .see this vid

gotta put yourself in their shoes.. you say you wouldn't feed them but would you wanna be fed if you were in their shoes?> sure you would....
I don't understand the point of the video. I just lost some respect for Mos Def (I enjoy some of his music) as this was not only exaggerated, but maybe he should do a video on the effects of letting a person starve. I promise you that he wouldn't be acting (that cry was about as fake as it gets) after 96 hours of no food in his system. I have little compassion for terrorists, but it is our responsibility to keep prisoners alive even if it is to put them to death. I'm not a liberal by any means, but this shit is just silly and serves no purpose. The media needs to worry about other wrongs in our society, not just the ones that are "ooh shocking".

We're 16 TRILLION dollars in debt as a country last I checked, let's worry about that first - then we can think about giving our war criminals a posh treatment in a luxurious spa. ;)

My .02c :)
I like your 2 cents halfwit. Fuck them, if they want to die let them, it cheaper than putting them to death or keeping them in prison.
I don't see the purpose of feeding someone if you're gonna kill them. Save the food for the poor.
Total exaggeration, while I've not had the tube all the way down my esophagus into my stomach, the worst part to me is when it goes into your sinuses; if you've ever had to get checked out by an ENT they scope you with a larger bore tube than that. Just made my eyes water, but then I'm not a pussy like Mos Def apparently.