Former Builder that has gotten back into it NEEDS ADVICE

WTF are you suggesting Dbol for, Mr. Nightmare007 Your going to make him have nightmares of bloat with what you suggested.

After roush's post , my post and the others in regard to water n bloat ,...You come right in with the compound that will fill him up with water. He's already 200lbs. at 5'10". Please man careful with advice that goes against the mans goals and stats.

You even are off on your AI dosing?

Hope you have this straight Reborn.... :)
Last edited:
Test e 500mg/week 12 weeks
Dbol 40mg Ed 4 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg Eod 12 weeks

Option 2
Test e 500mg/week 16 weeks
Decca 600mg/week 14 weeks
Aromasin 12.5 mg Eod 16weeks


Note: keep some cabergoline on hand in case of prolactin sides from decca

Where's the hCG while on cycle? And Aromasin has a short half life making EOD not optimal.
Special Thanks Guys

Do you want to just look good, or do you want to FEEL good too .
Tren and winny are two of the most toxic compounds you can take, they have a negative effect on your health, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, blood lipid profile, cholesterol, and pulmonary system .. that's a lot of negative when your goals don't really warrant it.

You've been off gear for awhile, everything is fresh. AND you've got a huge thing going for you 'Muscle Memory', thats a great tool . I'd use just enough gear and a basic cycle to help put these positives to use. You'll make plenty of progress without the negatives you don't need.

Thanks to everyone for the advice and special thanks to Roush and oldmusclemike for looking out for my health AND what I'm trying to accomplish! This is a ton of great info and I'm going to go with what Roush suggested and most everyone agreed with. I really do appreciate the advice, this is just great stuff you can't get by "reading articles". You guys truly do know your stuff, and that is why I'm here! Sincere thanks!!!

I will keep everyone up to date on my progress

Will Update! Also quick question...

keep us updated man i'm genuinely interested in where this is gonna go. good luck.

Thanks NotGill!!! I'm waiting on my gear and then I will be hitting it hard, and keeping everyone updated!

*On a different note: Is there a reason I can't send PM's at all? Do I need to reach a certain rep power or something? I have looked everywhere for the answer but can't find it. If anyone knows and could help me out that would be awesome!

Again thanks as always to everyone and their great help! I very much appreciate it!

Thanks NotGill!!! I'm waiting on my gear and then I will be hitting it hard, and keeping everyone updated!

*On a different note: Is there a reason I can't send PM's at all? Do I need to reach a certain rep power or something? I have looked everywhere for the answer but can't find it. If anyone knows and could help me out that would be awesome!

Again thanks as always to everyone and their great help! I very much appreciate it!

no need to wait just go get it. It'll take a few weeks to get yur routine down as well as your diet( don't forget diet > gear)
no need to wait just go get it. It'll take a few weeks to get yur routine down as well as your diet( don't forget diet > gear)

Thanks carverelli! Yeah I meant wait to start posting updates until I got the gear. I'm already working out and dieting correctly. Sorry I made that sound confusing. Thanks for the heads up on the 50 before you can PM!
