from a bloated 230 to a leaner 240


New member
I bulked up in May and probably overbulked in doing so. I cleaned up diet, and jus eat more chicken instead of all the red meat ( no cardio though) and i cut out bread and most diary. I lost a lot of the water and bloat.

Any suggestions on body part i could bring up. I feel like my arms and shoulder width could be impoved. Im thinking of competing in April but i dont think im ready. plus i dont know shit about dieting.

im 22 by the way, 6 feet, and about 238-239.
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heres the before. i dont think the link worked the first time
and as far as the wheels. they need to be brouht up. i think i seriously was born without calves haha and my hamstrings suck. my quads and glutes are decent
i hope i can be atleast your size when i am 22. i would say that overall you have a good shape. try to put a little more size on tricepts.
i hope i can be atleast your size when i am 22. i would say that overall you have a good shape. try to put a little more size on tricepts.

thanks man. yeah i hate trainin tris, they never grow. i never really feel the mind-muscle connection there. back and chest are deffinetly my favorite to train
thanks man. yeah i hate trainin tris, they never grow. i never really feel the mind-muscle connection there. back and chest are deffinetly my favorite to train


I hate training legs! But I def need to focus more on my legs