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Ive never really done it, thats why im asking this. The problem is Ive ran out of reliable prop, only thing i have trustworthy is test cyp. Tomorrow ill be receiving a big supply of it. The question is: How much cyp will i need to inject to have it buildup to similar level as 100 mg of prop/day, in a short time? (My usual dose was 1000 mg/e6d of cyp). The rush is because im using T3 at the moment as well, and if androgen levels drop drastically, im at risk of muscle loss. So i cannot really wait 2 weeks for cyp to build up to reasonable levels, i need it to act ASAP :). Thanks for replies, im hoping u have understood the problem.
One paper, all you need to do is double your test cyp doses during the first week.

In practice, things work out a little different.

Why not just discontinue the T3 for a few weeks?
I cant just stop it cold turkey , Im on 100 mcg/day atm and im sure u know what will happen if i just put it off.
Anyway, 2 g first week seems like a good idea.
vados said:
Anyway, 2 g first week seems like a good idea.

Dear Lord.... 2g for the frontload?? You gotta be kidding me?? Im not trying to be rude or anything but unless you are a pro bodybuilder who makes his living off of being big..then you have no business using 2g of test in a week...even for a are asking for trouble. Your concern was muscle loss due the use of the t3--how much muscle do you really think you will lose in 2 weeks?? If you are going to do a gram a week of test (which is still way too high IMO) then just start off with that. Also drop the does of t3 if you feel that muscle loss will be an issue...which I doubt... Good luck and keep us informed.. and remember.. Less is Best :)
thefantom1 said:
Dear Lord.... 2g for the frontload?? You gotta be kidding me?? Im not trying to be rude or anything but unless you are a pro bodybuilder who makes his living off of being big..then you have no business using 2g of test in a week...even for a are asking for trouble. Your concern was muscle loss due the use of the t3--how much muscle do you really think you will lose in 2 weeks?? If you are going to do a gram a week of test (which is still way too high IMO) then just start off with that. Also drop the does of t3 if you feel that muscle loss will be an issue...which I doubt... Good luck and keep us informed.. and remember.. Less is Best :)
I respectfully disagree to an extent. A gram a week of test is high for some, low for others. Ive done over a gram before of test among other things, I had no troubles, my gains were excellent as well. I used to frontload but Ive come to realize its a bad idea. If you want to get your cycle going quicker, Id use dbol or some other similar oral. Even prop for 3-4 weeks.
thefantom1 said:
Dear Lord.... 2g for the frontload?? You gotta be kidding me?? Im not trying to be rude or anything but unless you are a pro bodybuilder who makes his living off of being big..then you have no business using 2g of test in a week...even for a are asking for trouble. Your concern was muscle loss due the use of the t3--how much muscle do you really think you will lose in 2 weeks?? If you are going to do a gram a week of test (which is still way too high IMO) then just start off with that. Also drop the does of t3 if you feel that muscle loss will be an issue...which I doubt... Good luck and keep us informed.. and remember.. Less is Best :)

YES! WTF 2 grams? Could never see myself ever needing more than 750mg a week or even frontloading with more than 1000mg a week. Even at 250lbs would usually frontload with 1g a week for 1.5 to two weeks and then cut it in half.
Guys i didnt ask whether 2 g is healthy or not. I know its not, but i dont have any other choice. I have no access to a quality prop currently, otherwise this wouldnt be an issue. As for d-bol, frankly i dont like it, i feel totally sleepy and last thing on my mind is training when i use it. Besides i swell up like a water balloon on d-bol and thats not what im after, having a competition in less than 3 months time. As for 1 g test a week being too much, i disagree. Maybe for some of you its too much, maybe u have more androgen receptors than me, i dont know, what i do know for a fact that 1g a week is when i start feeling the good effects of test, any less doesnt cut it anymore for me. Im not a novice, ive been lifting for 7+ years, competing for the last 2. Im 5'7'' and 240 right now.
I cant really drop t3 right now, neither do i want to. If i must take 2 g for the first week i will do it, and i dont see how it can hurt me. As for losing muscle, i know for a fact that i will lose quite a bit, T3 really hits me hard and works well i dont wanna take any chances.
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Why not just throw in some orals until the cyp is fully up and running? If not dbol then Winstrol (winny) etc, you know the list. You wont need as high dosage either.
He is running a gram per week anyhow.... He's not gonna have 2 g's in his system the first week... It'll just spike him tto a round a gram at about week 2.... His levels will staBILIZE FASTER THIS WAY .. Fucking muscle relaxewrs making it impossible to type...
Im on Winstrol (winny) anyway, but it wont do much good since its not an androgen and will not save me from muscle loss. I was considering tren acetate, but unable to get it for the moment so that rules it out too.
On a side note, maybe i should pop a few Andriol caps for that first week :), its fast acting and will deliver me some test very quickly. Only prob ill need to eat craploads of them :).
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Sounds like poor planning to me. No, you will not get a nice steady supply of androgens by shooting 2g in the first week, plain and simple. You will have twice as much uncleaved esterfied hormone in depot waiting to circulate and be cleaved. Your levels will rise quicker sure, but things dont work in the body like they do on an excel spreadsheet.

Honestly, use some orals or ramp down on the t3 for a bit. Just my opinion.
Why is everyone freaking out over a two week frontload with 2g. That's not THAT high, and like was said earlier, the two grams is just being injected those weeks, it's not all going to be active. In his situation, it IS the quickest way to get his blood levels up to his goal of 1g/wk.
I would go ahead with the front load, and don't neccessarily discontinue the T3, but it would be a good idea to drop the dose down a bit untill you can get your androgen levels back up. Basically, this way your T3 will be fluctuating along with you androgens which will help with maintaining muscle which I'm sure is an important goal.
Bast, he said he's already running Winstrol (winny). Maybe you didn't catch that, but it would be bad idea to throw another oral on top of that. And even though his dose might be a little bit smaller if he were to run orals instead of frontloading, the orals would definetly be worse for him. The toxicity would more than make up for the extra milligrams that the test would bring. It's not only about total milligrams, but more about what he's running in those milligrams. If this were the case, you could run 25mg of metribolone ED and it would be better than 50mg Dbol. Or 50mg halotest would be less harsh than 75mg Winstrol (winny). We all know this not to be the case, so don't worry so much about how much you're taking, but more about WHAT you're taking.
I don't blame you for not messing with the dbol. I wouldn't do it all at once. I would use 1 gram the first day and the second the next day inject the other gram. good luck