fruit...when bulking???


New member
how many of you guys add fruit to meals when bulking??? Trying to do as clean as I possibly can bulk...I know you can't add muscle without gaining some fat...I just don't want to gain excessive amounts...a few guys told me to add fruit in....just always thought fruit was the enemy for some reason...
its funny i couldnt get over 118 kgs for 2 years, i started to eat lettuce and cucumber and by the end of the month i was 123kgs. but fruit i just eat a banana at breakfast
malibu350 said:
how many of you guys add fruit to meals when bulking??? Trying to do as clean as I possibly can bulk...I know you can't add muscle without gaining some fat...I just don't want to gain excessive amounts...a few guys told me to add fruit in....just always thought fruit was the enemy for some reason...
use some common sense and listen to what youre saying here.

fruit is great - its got a lot of nutrients, and it refills liver glycogen, which is closely linked to overall level of anabolism.
Suareezay said:
use some common sense and listen to what youre saying here.

fruit is great - its got a lot of nutrients, and it refills liver glycogen, which is closely linked to overall level of anabolism.

I guess I say this because the pros that i've talked to say that they don't eat fruit.....I know that fruit has a lot of nutrients and enzymes etc...but it also has sugar right????? maybe i'm making it more complicated then it needs to's not like nutrition is an exact science...
malibu350 said:
I guess I say this because the pros that i've talked to say that they don't eat fruit.....I know that fruit has a lot of nutrients and enzymes etc...but it also has sugar right????? maybe i'm making it more complicated then it needs to's not like nutrition is an exact science...
what pros do is completely irrelevant to you. and just because theyre doing something that works for them, doesnt make it optimal. most of them i assume use a dietician of some sort, and their ideas are not always the brightest despite their position (food combining, banning all dairy products, no fruit, blah blah blah theres plenty of idiotic ideas when it comes to diet and training).
Suareezay said:
what pros do is completely irrelevant to you. and just because theyre doing something that works for them, doesnt make it optimal. most of them i assume use a dietician of some sort, and their ideas are not always the brightest despite their position (food combining, banning all dairy products, no fruit, blah blah blah theres plenty of idiotic ideas when it comes to diet and training).

which leads me to my next point...the nutritionist that i used for about 2 years which netted me my best gains and improvements...was recommended to me by a pro...and he never had me eat any fruit...that's why I was asking...

so why is what a pro does completely irreleant to me??? that's what everyone says about anything that they do....and I don't get it...yes I know everyone is different....but that doesn't mean that what works for some wont work for others
if you do better without fruit then dont eat fruit, but eating a grapefruit for breakfast or an apple or banana PWO is hardly going to be detrimental towards gains. Some people cut fruit out completely when dieting, some people use it as their primary carb source. It depends.

A lot of pros strive despite doing goofy shit that the general population couldnt handle or prosper from. People play the drug card, as if thats the sole reason pros are at the level they are, but how many people on this board and others run psycho-ass cycles and still arent 10% what most pros are.
malibu350 said:
so why is what a pro does completely irreleant to me??? that's what everyone says about anything that they do....and I don't get it...yes I know everyone is different....but that doesn't mean that what works for some wont work for others
Very true but in the same breath it may not work for you. I assume these pros have spent their lives chopping and changing their diet Taylor making it perfect for them. Thats what you need to do try things see what works for you not what works for someone else. Top and bottom of it, fruit is good for you and your meant to consume 5 portions a day so if you want to eat fruit go ahead im sure theres worse things you can put in your body.
Drako said:
Very true but in the same breath it may not work for you. I assume these pros have spent their lives chopping and changing their diet Taylor making it perfect for them. Thats what you need to do try things see what works for you not what works for someone else. Top and bottom of it, fruit is good for you and your meant to consume 5 portions a day so if you want to eat fruit go ahead im sure theres worse things you can put in your body.

this is true...I could eat an xlarge pizza instead :D...i'm sure non of us have done that before