Frustrated with current situation


New member
Hello all I usually lurk on this site it's a great source for information. Recently my doctor passed away. He wasn't the greatest but at least would give me scripts of test cyp to inject at home and anastrozole. I take 100 mg of test twice a week sub q. He wanted to dose me at 1 mg a day on anastrozole but I checked into it and knew that is way to much so I do .25 mg twice a week. I have a large supply of anastrozole saved up. The doctor that replaced him has absolutely no idea about TRT and is absolutely against taking anastrozole and testing for estradiol. She has so little knowledge she even asked me how many vials of test cyp I would need for a years worth! The doctor ordered a blood test last week and had free test of 33.6 ng/dl and total test of 820 ng/dl. The problem is I have been having a bout of ed that's hit me in last month and I have never had a problem in the past. My wife is frustrated because I go soft in the middle of the action and has the crazy idea im not attracted to her anymore. I guessed my estradiol was high or low. I finally got so frustrated I went and had a private lab do a female hormonal panel and estradiol was 60 pg/ml. How do I get my estradiol lower without crashing it? I'd like to find a different doctor but isn't really an option as there are few around here that will allow test shots at home and I have really good insurance that covers everything. Sorry for the long post.