Fuck am panicing

First you need to calm down. Second keep an eye on it and watch for streaking of any kind in the next few days. You should be ok. I bet you moved the needle around in there to much and caused some unnecessary tearing... body is just trying to heal itself... If it doesn't get better in a few days have it looked at.

yeah that kinda what happen in the process of injecting
I have done that as well. It only takes once to gain a steady hand!!! lol. You will be ok. Just power through it brother
I started a similar thread. IT was nothing to be alarmed about. I was pinning teste 400 then now with 250 I get really no pip or anything. Just keep an eye on it.
Lol a 2ml shot of prop would do the trick. I do 100mg shot and it hurts, i cant even imagine 200mg. Like Dr.Phoenix said, split it up into 2 separate 100mg shots. Should hurt less. Also i wouldnt worry to much about your problem, what everyone is saying is right.
if it will hurt too much take Advil, rub+massage the place slowly with alcohol for 5 min every 2-3 hours.
Besides that , you will just be fine i guess, if it starts to be worse we are here to advise :)
Rest Good Today, fuck the gym tomorrow, your leg is crippled but your upper body works :)
What's with all the complaining? lol

I think I had pain once during my first pin, then good to go after that. I pin 3+mls a time into quads or glutes and quickly too, and not even the littlest bit of PIP...

Are you all getting sketchy gear, or wimps? jk...