Fuck I'm Fatter Than I Thought I Was! The Buffalojoe Road To Abs.


New member
Started working with 3JS, figured I should track my progress somewhere.

Background: high school wreslter,football player, baseball player. Captain of the teams, middle linebacker, centerfielder, batted 3rd, wrestled 171 but could have made 160. Qualified for state my senior year in Florida but got my ass kicked. Partied like a rockstar in college but didnt get fat until like a year after I left college. I was actually working out but eating like shit and drinking a lot.

My job is physically demanding about 20% of tge time but the rest of tge time itsnot. I work in the oilfield on a rotational schedule where I work for two weeks, fly for two days and am home for twelve days. On my time off I mainly just get laid as often as possible, sell some inaurance, and generally relax.

I lift 2x/ week at work and 3-4x/ week at home. I dont do any cardio. I follow a 2 day split at work and a 3-4 day split at home. I just make sure I'm hitting everything once/week.

I wont elaborate on my diet as I'm sure 3JS would be happy to customize a plan for you and your goals.

My goal is to get lean enough to see my abs. Even when I wrestled they were blurry at best.

I've come down from 248 to 215 on cyclical keto diet, then switched to a low and slow carb diet when I started lifting again about 9 months ago. 3JS has me eating a lit more than before, mainly because the frequency is higher. Honestly I'm skeptical but have stalled on my path to abs and am going to follow their instructions.

Current stats: 5'7'', 218#s, maybe 20%bf? 25%?

Ill post pics when im home as I cant figure out how to do it from my pgone.