furiose pete cancer again


I am banned!
Posted a vid yestersay saying he got stage 2 teste cancer. Already had one of his balls removed but the cancer started spreading to his lungs. Considering most of my fathers side including him died of cancer. Its a scary experience. Hopefully im not next
what a horrible thing to happen..

there isn't a link to cancer from the use of hcg and test but there hasn't been very long term studies on it..
i personally will come off hcg once i have the amount of children i want
I highly doubt it has any correlation to AAS or HcG. Dude is only 29....at that age I don't care if you're smoking 20 boxes a day of cigarettes, you should not get cancer that young. If you do, that means it's your genetics that you inherited from your relatives. If he was 49 on the other hand, you could try to say that it might be the gear. But at 29, no way. Most people in here are older than that.

Not trying to be an A-hole however, this sucks a lot for him. I really hope he kicks cancers ass
If he was 49 on the other hand, you could try to say that it might be the gear. But at 29, no way.

i dunno bout that, there are plenty of BBers that shrivel up and die in their 30's from AAS use. not to say they didn't already have something going on but it seems like letting things go under the radar and using AAS is a death sentence few can escape. I just started trt and am going to do full body scans and the works in january. No way I'm shriveling up because of lack of preventative screens.
i dunno bout that, there are plenty of BBers that shrivel up and die in their 30's from AAS use. not to say they didn't already have something going on but it seems like letting things go under the radar and using AAS is a death sentence few can escape. I just started trt and am going to do full body scans and the works in january. No way I'm shriveling up because of lack of preventative screens.

What tests are you getting?
i dunno bout that, there are plenty of BBers that shrivel up and die in their 30's from AAS use. not to say they didn't already have something going on but it seems like letting things go under the radar and using AAS is a death sentence few can escape. I just started trt and am going to do full body scans and the works in january. No way I'm shriveling up because of lack of preventative screens.

Nothing wrong with wanting to be safe, but bodybuilders don't tend to stop till their late 40's or 50's. It's when they stop living the lifestyle that they shrink up. Whether or not their deaths are related to AAS remains to be seen.

Some folks are susceptible to cancer; just a fact of life. Given that everything from the soaps we use, to the EM fields in the air to drinking water, all are potential carcinogens.