Gagging on chicken breast...Blending food.


New member
Im sick of the same old shit and decided to give this a shot...i hit up a can of tuna, 2 tbsps of peanut butter, half a chicken breast, 2 tbsp cottage cheese and about 2 cups of water, blended it up and chugged it like a champion joke
Honestly its a lot easier than eating it. Just dont think about it and chug away. Ill only do this like 2 meals/day, but it does help a lot.
So ive been doing this steady for the last couple of days and honestly it seems to be working great to get all my daily carbs/protein in...ive found that straight blended cooked tilapia goes down SO EASY and have been doing this.

I feel fine and feel even better knowing im getting all my meals in lol.