Gaining Weight


Livin Life 2 the MAX
i need to gain some weight big time and have been trying to find out what to bye ie - would a protein drink be any good and if so wich ones should i be looking at byeing for the right dollas.

just need somert that will bang the pounds on me fast so i can bulk up a bit as i find it very hard to put weight on me.

cheers for any info
Dude, do some reading on the board. In your research you will find lots of information on how to gain weight.
adidamps2 said:
too dunk twinkies in.
lil debbie swiss cake rolls ftmfw
adidamps2 said:
ha ha i for got all about those damn things.
yea i did too, but im IF'ing and get to eat whateverthefuck i want on training days as long as its low fat, so ive been scouring the grocery store isles for all my childhood favorites.

sadly, these are not low fat.
IF'ing? i am unfamiliar with this acronym.

LOL i could have told you that there not low fat. nor are twinkies if i am not mistaken.
all the "good stuff" isnt really that good...
Easto said:
Dude, do some reading on the board. In your research you will find lots of information on how to gain weight.

ive had a read and still dont no ? can i by a pill or is it got be whey protein powder or creatine powder........

im a bit lost hear oow not so good could end up spending dollas on crap or the rong stuff.

adidamps2 said:
after i posted my question i remembered reading about that and figured thats what you were reffering too, but now i know for sure. hows that working so far?
i love it. its nothing magical, but it makes my life much easier eating all my meals in 8hour windows, and i have better mental focus. I also get to pig the fuck out high carb junk PWO. Doing a fat loss/recomp type deal now and i am leaning out very slowly, dropping about a pound a week, and experiencing great strength gains every workout - and im working out fasted; no food 15 hours prior to my workout.

PartyCan said:
ive had a read and still dont no ? can i by a pill or is it got be whey protein powder or creatine powder........

im a bit lost hear oow not so good could end up spending dollas on crap or the rong stuff.

ill throw you a bone simply because you seem so helpless.

eat enough food to gain weight, and workout every now and then. any pill or powder is just going to slightly assist your progress, but without the basic will do nothing. you need to read the diet section, not the supplement section.
Suareezay said:
ill throw you a bone simply because you seem so helpless.

eat enough food to gain weight, and workout every now and then. any pill or powder is just going to slightly assist your progress, but without the basic will do nothing. you need to read the diet section, not the supplement section.


2 words: EAT FOOD
Suareezay said:
i love it. its nothing magical, but it makes my life much easier eating all my meals in 8hour windows, and i have better mental focus. I also get to pig the fuck out high carb junk PWO. Doing a fat loss/recomp type deal now and i am leaning out very slowly, dropping about a pound a week, and experiencing great strength gains every workout - and im working out fasted; no food 15 hours prior to my workout.
Suareezay has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

clear some space mang?!
Simple answer is eat more eat as possible but avoid junk food as Junk foods usually contain unhealthy trans fats or saturated fats. Even though you need to increase your calorie consumption to gain weight, those calories should come from foods that are good for you. With these you need good exercise and take some supplements like protein, creatine etc. I prefer protein powder because Protein is the major nutrient responsible for muscle growth and repair. Weight training athletes require more protein than a sedentary person. Proteins build muscles. In fact, protein should be the number one nutritional concern for people working out and trying to gain weight. Some of the protein sources I recommend are milk, egg and soy. I think whey protein is the best because the body utilizes it better than the other sources. Some of the brands that I trust for protein are: Rx Soy Protein Powder, Whey Protein etc.