gallon of milk a day diet


New member
basically my buddy told me to do this, he's on juice and says its great for hard gainers, im doing it wrongly though and having chocolate milk and a gallon so its really unhealthy (sugars)

but im gaining weight really fast, and body fat hasnt changed much, i use to eat everything and never gain a pound, with this gallon of milk a day ontop of what i use to eat i've gained like 2 pounds a week for 2 weeks now, just wondering if anyone else tried it

im not on juice, but i look extremely anorexic so
I drink like 2 glasses of skim milk everyday, can't do chocolate too fatty. I usually mix it with protein shake for extra protein, not really for the extra calories. Most people drink 2%...
i also know it is inspired by mark ripptoe

and he's created quite the name for himself

Mark Rippetoe only advises GOMAD for a specific type of trainee. One who is a complete newbie to working out, is severely underweight, and who has trouble EATING reauired calories. He does not advise everybody to do this and it would be foolish to apply it under a blanket statement. There's nothing wrong with milk but there are other ways to get calories and protein in from a wider selection of sources. GOMAD is not for everyone, only a very select few trainees should even consider it. And he's Mark Rippetoe is the man when it comes to strength training!!
u guys do realize your ability to produce the lactose enzyme drops as you age right??

i cant remember the last time i drank milk
I did this on my first cycle and I gained 35lbs but got bloated and fat. Never would do it again and I don't drink milk anymore due to the bloating and digestive issues from it. What this did teach me though is the need to push more calories in order to gain weight. I have since cut down much more and don't go for the whole putting on a ton of weight at once thing anymore. In most cases if your gaining that much that fast its almost all bloat and fat.
I foresee LOTS of trips to the bathroom for anyone seriously doing this "diet". Just like 3J, I can't remember the last time I drank milk - it's all almond milk for this guy. Lactase, how I miss you. :p
So I think it's safe to say that if 3J is not approving it, you shouldn't do it.

GOMAD is the classic hardgainers remedy. It's definitely not for everyone. When a ninth-grade boy wants to get big enough to play ball next year but complains that he can't gain weight the coaches tell him to train hard and add a gallon of milk a day to his diet.

This will make him bigger.

This will teach him that he can get bigger and how it feels to eat to get bigger.

You tell a skinny kid to EAT MOAR and he might just add a few croutons to his evening salad. A gallon of milk a day is easy to quantify and easy to keep track of. Also an easy, cheap way to get a ton of calories.

GOMAD will obviously not make the trainee look nearly ready for a bodybuilding comp, but he'll be bigger and stronger. That's all it's for.
u guys do realize your ability to produce the lactose enzyme drops as you age right??

i cant remember the last time i drank milk

Lactaid is a solution for the lactose intolerant (like myself). They add the lactase enzyme to the milk for you, so it doesn't cause all those problems. Not that I'm saying everyone should just go mad with the GOMAD, but for folks like me that can't stand the taste of watered down whey protein, it helps. Kind of expensive though, and my kids get into it thinking it doesn't matter which one they put in their cereal. Nutritionally, I guess it doesn't matter, but that stuff is like 3x the price of regular skim milk
i pretty much only drink milk with my hi-cal breakfast shake..which isnt even my breakfast. just easy to slam that down when i crawl out of bed. then the process of actually waking up starts before i can cook, but at least i got the protein and calorie intake started right when i wake!
Alan Aragon said:
I love it when I hear folks say that human adults weren't meant to consume milk, much less the milk derived from a different animal species. Are you kidding me? So who gets to decide which parts of the cow we should consume? Let me get this straight--we can eat the cow's muscles, but not the milk that laid the foundation for the growth of those same muscles? Huh? The logic is just too rock-solid for me. Folks who carry the torch against milk consumption typically will have some degree of allergy or digestive intolerance to it, and they take the liberty to project their personal problems onto the world around them. Many of these same "health-minded" people consume whey protein by the tubload --and this is not only a milk product, but an engineered refined milk product to boot. I suggest you raise a salute to cow' s teats the next time you flex your muscles, and let the rest of us enjoy our milk in peace.

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I could never give up milk. I think lactose enzyme production varies wildly from person to person so even with age some people can drink milk without the related negative effects (please correct me if needed). I love milk and drink it daily when I'm not worrying about my fat-assedness, however for the time being I'm off of it :) I do have the occasional chocolate milk/egg white/protein shake post workout though. Agree that a gallon a day is just ridiculous though but I do know a couple of guys who have done Gomad and finished with some mildly impressive results.