
Chicago Made

New member
Hey everyone,

I was wondering if Gatorade is good to use when cycling?

More accurately, is there just too many carbs in it if one is trying to cut up?

And, if so, could cutting out certain carbs off-set the gatorade?

I get the 6gallon bags of powder and LOVE the stuff, but if I need to ditch it I will.


Ditch it. You can always dilute the gatorade 8 to 1 or 9 to 1 with water. A Little better taste that plain water.
If you want to be lean don't drink anything sweetned with( fructose, high fructose corn syrup, and corn syrup.)
Fruit Sugars Might Speed Obesity

THURSDAY, Dec. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Fructose, the sugar found in fruit, honey and the corn-syrup sweeteners used in many processed foods, may trick the body into thinking it's hungrier than it really is, researchers report.

The findings could explain why sweet foods help boost obesity rates in the United States and elsewhere.

In their studies with rats, researchers at the University of Florida identified fructose as part of a biochemical chain reaction that causes weight gain and other characteristics of metabolic syndrome, the precursor to Type 2 diabetes.

Fructose can also cause an increase of uric acid levels in the blood, the Florida team found. This temporary rise in uric acid blocks the action of insulin, the hormone that regulates how body cells use and store the sugar they need for energy.

If increased uric acid levels occur frequently enough, features of metabolic syndrome may develop over time, the researchers said. These features include obesity, elevated blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

The Florida researchers fed rats a high-fructose diet for 10 weeks. All of the rats experienced an increase in uric acid in the bloodstream and also went on to develop insulin resistance.

"When we blocked or lowered uric acid, we were able to largely prevent or reverse features of the metabolic syndrome," Dr. Richard Johnson, professor of nephrology and chief of nephrology, hypertension and transplantation at the university's College of Medicine, said in a prepared statement. "We were able to significantly reduce weight gain, we were able to significantly reduce the rise in the triglycerides in the blood, the [rats'] insulin resistance was less and the blood pressure fell."

The research appears in the December issue of the journal Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology and in the online edition of the American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology.

More information

The American Heart Association has more about metabolic syndrome ( ).
"When are you drinking it? At what times and after what activities?"

I was drinking like 3 32oz Nalgene tumblers a day, randomly. Now, I'm drinking 1-2 post cardio work-out, or if I don't do cardio that day usually with dinner or after I drink my pwo shake.

I do use the powder, so I can dilute it. I usually throws some glutamine powder in there if it's post cardio.

So I take it maybe just one of my Gatorades a day and the rest water?

I would only drink the Gatorade if you're desperate to gain weight. That's a lot of sugar to consumer otherwise. (IMO)
Avoid Gatorade and Poweraid in high volumes, as you're adding unnecessary sodium and sugar to your diet. Drink water and/or Crystal Light instead.
I love it when I workout, don't drink it anymore though. I thought it helped to keep up my energy levels, whether that was just my cooky brain or actuality, I'll never know.