Gear. Just another addiction ??

Hogans return

New member
Please don't dismiss this as a BS newbie thead. I was an active member here for years as Hogans hero, back when halfwit,megatron,and austinite where around. Btw hope they r still around, inhuman, too. Now to the ADDICTION part. Everything I do I want to do to it's fullest extent, I think many of u r the same way, I wanna know everything about what I'm undertaking and do it the best most efficient way. When I got into church I read the Bible constantly , befor first cycle read , mostly on ology constantly, when I fell away from church , did drugs constantly. All in all I've got my life back together, only by Gods grace. Now I'm back training, back on gear and startin to obsess over it. I'm 3 weeks into my blast and already puttin together an order for my next cycle. ADDICTION or obsession ?
Having been an opiate addict and gone through withdrawals that probably could have killed me, I promise that there is a huge difference between the two.

Yes, we take substances here to gain an edge in the direction we want our adopted lifestyle to take us. In this context it's a tool, and we often do become obsessed with the changes we see as it's like creating a work of living art.

I can say however, that I've never woken up at 2am in a daze, trying to solve complex math problems (I know, weeeiiirrrddd), gagging on vomit, praying that my legs would stop kicking - because I stopped taking my trenbolone.

My .02c :)
I can say that I never found myself staring at my testosterone bottle and needles, begging myself not to do another injection, but doing it anyway. That is something I cannot say about an empty glass and a bottle of liquor.
Mega you are still around right?

I will admit that steroids can be abused, and I'm one who over the years has done that, but I can't agree that ped's are a life destroying addiction. Sitting on the couch eating potato chips is more dangerous than using aas imo. Thing about guys or gals that use ped's is that most of us spend alot of time in the gym getting exercise. Our diets for the most part better than the general public as well.
Please don't dismiss this as a BS newbie thead. I was an active member here for years as Hogans hero, back when halfwit,megatron,and austinite where around. Btw hope they r still around, inhuman, too. Now to the ADDICTION part. Everything I do I want to do to it's fullest extent, I think many of u r the same way, I wanna know everything about what I'm undertaking and do it the best most efficient way. When I got into church I read the Bible constantly , befor first cycle read , mostly on ology constantly, when I fell away from church , did drugs constantly. All in all I've got my life back together, only by Gods grace. Now I'm back training, back on gear and startin to obsess over it. I'm 3 weeks into my blast and already puttin together an order for my next cycle. ADDICTION or obsession ?

You have the same story as I do and you also sound like you have the same personality. I use to be a heroin addict for years and was saved by Gods grace when I accepted Christ.

I will tell you this from my experience. I believe it can def be an addiction and sounds like it is in your case. But not the same type of addiction as drugs its more of a mental addiction us as addicts get high off taking things and sometimes use other tjings as a crutch. Pray and ask the Lord for his help and advice.
I will say that many people have what I like to call an "addictive personality". Meaning we will do things to their fullest every time, obsessing over it even. If the substance is an addictive substance (such as meth, alcohol, etc), then we will become addicts. AAS are not addictive in the way the other items are, so that is why I say we cannot be addicted to them. It is simply our addictive personality making us obsessed.
You have the same story as I do and you also sound like you have the same personality. I use to be a heroin addict for years and was saved by Gods grace when I accepted Christ.

I will tell you this from my experience. I believe it can def be an addiction and sounds like it is in your case. But not the same type of addiction as drugs its more of a mental addiction us as addicts get high off taking things and sometimes use other tjings as a crutch. Pray and ask the Lord for his help and advice.

Yes yes yes. For me it's a good addiction. Something postitive to be "on ". God has been beyond wonderful to me
Lucy, I didn't mean to imply or say that it was a life destroying addiction. Some addictions are postitive to us that seem to have to have something to be addicted to. I'm thankful that now it's gear that I don't want to stop instead of ice and opiates. Good luck too any and all who are fighting this battle, my prayers are with you !
This topic made me co?e up with the idea to ask a Christian bodybuilder and I asked B Loyds father Jon heres my question and what he saidMr. Loyd as I see that you are a brother in Christ I thought you of all people could answer a question I have the best.
I would like to know if you think it is ok as a Christian to take gear? Nothing crazy like 250mg test with some var? Is this a sin in your eyes?

J Loyd "If you are going to be able to be on gear and continue to (hopefully you are) put Christ first in your life and not use gear as an idol that takes away from putting Him numero uno, then it would not be sinning. You would need to be honest with yourself by asking the Holy Spirit within you to convict you when your crossing that sin line. By the way, that was a very good question. The Holy Spirit is definitely working on your heart and devotion"
Anything can be abused. Steroids are not addictive phsycally. Mental addiction is what you are talking about. It also sounds like a touch of OCD. Welcome back. If you are abusing steroids you seak professional help. Life is short. Finding balance is difficult. Steroids destroy your health and your quality of life if not used propperly. Please educate yourself and don't endanger your health to look good.

Gynopuff your not mature enough for steroids if you think there is a question of sin or not. Steroids are a medicine. 250mg a week is a therapedic dose used for TRT by 70 year old men.

Im shaking my head and thinking you are a teenager. We are watching you

By the way Im a Lesban and Im addicted to pussy.
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I am for one as well an recovering Alkie as well
4 years clean, now for the addictive part I would have to agree on this, say I was blasting tren its hard for me to stop or when I do plan on it the first few days I just want to pin the shit again, after about a week on my cruise I feel better and not thinking about tren but in the same breath I can't wait till I blast again, so it's kinda being obsessed but not addicted I guess I dunno but for me in just find it tough to finally say to myself enough is enough meanwhile my last blast was 5 months on tren and feeling really sleepy all the time at the end as I knew the tren was starting to get to me so I stopped and after a month and a half being on my cruise dose I feel alot better
I know that whenever I come off cycle, I get pretty bad anxiety. While on cycle, I feel amazing, confident, and all around happy. That could very well contribute to the addiction side of things. I've been off 4 months now, and ready to jump back on. I usually do 1-2 cycles a year. Longest I've gone without doing a cycle would be 1.5 years.
I don't buy this addiction stuff at all. Have any of you ever said, or know somebody who said, "I need a little taste of that Tren. Can you hook a bro up with a couple ml? I will suck your dick for just a little taste. I sucks a good dick. Or here, I will give you my baby for some of that Test Suspension you's got there."
From what I have seen steroids can be a blessing for some people and a curse for others. If you are some one with past addiction problems it is best to always remember that you have a tendency to push things to the limit.

In my opinion if you do have the tendency to abuse substances your always going to have to keep an eye on your steroid usage. Having attainable goals is always a good thing and keeping the cycle's smaller is a good idea.

I don't think steroids are addictive but lots of people tend to go over board with them. The key is to live a healthy lifestyle and focus on nutrition and the positive side of body building. Take the minimum amount of steroids you need to achieve the physique you wan't and don't try to look like a pro bodybuilder. And if you are addicted to any substance I would recommend being sober for around a year and working out naturally before considering taking steroids.

Addiction has a lot to do with some one's personality and brain chemistry. If you think that you might abuse steroids I would really consider just not taking them. Again I don't think steroids are addictive I just think certain people have a tendency to abuse things. Anything can have the potential to be abused or addictive some people have shopping problems, some people drink 20 cups of coffee a day, and the list go's on and on.

Physical addiction and mental addiction are two different things. I think that's where this whole topic gets a bit confusing for some people. But in the end moderation is the key and if you can't moderate your steroid usage you should stay away from them.
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We all work out 5+ times a week, right? That's called an addiction. Some of you are forgetting the definition of addiction.
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