telling my girlfriend about this part of my life


i'm sure the regulars on here know who i am but for the ones who don't; i am 24 years old going on 25 in a few months and i've been married to the gear since i was 18. long story short when i came off i've never been able to recover normal test levels, so now i am mainly on TRT dosages for most of the year. i still love doing my summer blasts but thats about it. i just wanna live a semi normal life.

i am currently dating the love of my life, my soulmate, with whom i am on the same page. this girl is everything i want in a partner.. she has it all and if things keep going the way they are between us for the next couple years, i really see myself asking her a very important question. we've only been together one year but it feels like a lifetime.

any advice on how i approach this subject? she knows that i've used some gear in the past but she doesnt know about this whole part of my life and i dont like the fact that i am hiding something from someone who i love and cherish so much.
Maybe explain that you did this when you were young and foolish......and the effects stuck with you. And now you have to supply your body with testosterone. I'm not in your shoes so I don't know what I would do.....but I think I would get checked out with a doc and see what my fertility was like. I would imagine most women will be concerned about fertility, cuz let's be honest.....WHO CARES IF YOU INJECT YOURSELF WITH YOUR TESTOSTERONE? She cares about you and won't care about the injections but I would imagine she would want to know about fertility. I'd get that checked so I could address it when this discussion takes place. Even if your sperm count is a little low, there are many things you can do to get that back up to conceive.
Try not to worry bro. If she loves you it won't matter that you have to "take medication" for your hormone levels. What until your ready to discuss it.....and you think it's a good time......and you can answer the fertility question.
Very happy for ya bro. Sounds like you love her........and that my friend is the most important thing in all the world.
Good luck bro.....itll all work out
You have to be honest as soon as you figure out how to bring up the conversation. I'd hate to hear she broke up with you down the road because you kept it from her for years. The longer it goes, when you do tell her she's gonna automatically think what else have you been hiding from her. You just have to tell her there's something about yourself that you finally feel comfortable discussing with her. Make her feel important, that if it were anyone else you wouldn't bring it up. But because she's the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with you feel so comfortable with her that you're opening up for the first time with anyone :) And how you never felt this way about a woman and you don't want her to think you're a liar.

The fertility thing I think you will be fine. I had my sperm checked a few years back while on a heavy cycle, multiple compounds and it came back 100% normal. I personally know probably 10-15 people that use a lot of aas and the majority of them have kids. The ones that don't aren't ready or don't want kids. My one buddy has been on since he was 16-17 years old and he has a few kids from a few moms lol.

At the wnd of the day she's gonna find out and the best way is from your mouth. Honesty goes so far. It's just one lie that ***ns trust. Trust is a bi*ch to get back once you lose it.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
If you truly love her, you tell her the truth. If she loves you back she will accept you and your past.
What 99.9% of all girls dont accept and that breaks majority of relationships ? Lies and keeping secrets.

Like both late and anon said...the worst possible outcome is that she finds out from someone else or has to be you.
Real trust takes years to earn and only seconds to destroy... Dont fuckup like i've done so many times in the past :(
The easiest way to tell her, is to say that you have something Important to tell Her.
Then take the time to Start from the Beginning, and Explain Everything to her.

In my Experience ~ Women can Handle the Truth.

What they Can't Ever Handle is a Lie, as they may forgive you, but they will Never Forget....................... JP
Like main man said above ^^^^ its best to lay all your cards out on the table and be straight with her and never lie to her about your gear use. She will respect you more.
I tend to just dump things out. Once I've decided I need to tell someone something it's all in. I've decided I want them actually "in" my life or out of it.

Maybe a "I've got something to tell you . . . . (Her mind jumps to cheating) . . . I used steroids irresponsible as a young man and now have to take test for life."

She will be so glad you weren't cheating it will seem like small fries haha
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