get 5000+ calories and train but still look skinny with a gut!

mass rookie

New member
whats up with that? Skinny with a gut after gaining 24 pds in 2 months from just eating more calories than usual which was about 1500cals and now getting 5000+cals and training! taking anadrol for 6 wks 50mg and test cyp 400mg 10wks on 2nd wk now. went from 140 to 164 in about 2 months from just eating! I thought the weight should spread out through the body not stomach!
thanks all, rook.:confused: :confused:
you got fat because your eating way too much for 140lbs. plus, it will go to the gut most of the time on men..first to come last to go!!
Don't worry about the weight gain, some of it is muscle. After your cycle, you can just diet the fat away.
you have to expect to gain a little fat when u bulk. when your cycles over u can worry about getting rid of the fat and see all that nice new muscle you grew. also make sure your eating clean, dont be eating tastey cakes and ding dongs if your worried about getting fat.
also remember that you hold a lot of water from the test and drol so you may look fat now but it could just b water weight and will shed it off when u come off cycle.
I dont think I put any weight on from the drol or test I think the weight I put on is still coming from just eating so much. Because I gained 20something pounds from just eating before I took anything steroid related before I started my cycle. I feel stronger but thats it from the cycle Im on now!
take pictures of yourself. thats what i do. its hard to notice a gain when u look in the mirror 5 times a day :)
mass rookiee said:
what you mean Im eating to much,I know,trying to bulk because everbody tells me to eat 5000+cals a day!

Post up your diet, so people can help. 5000 cals is a lot of calories. I'm 295 @ around 14%bf and I'm only eating around 3300 calories and that's a lot of food. It might also be the food your eating.
don't worry about gut or not while alot of cals...but make sure that if your eating 5000+ cals...that you should be getting at least 400g of protein....and give your test some time to kick in on week 8 of my cycle, similar to yours, and i never got a time when i blew up and i even took 30mg of dbol for 5 gains were steady and split through the weeks...its just hard to notice when you look at yourself for hours in the mirror....LOL