getting back on cycle after 2 years!!!!!


New member
I am 30 years old, 256 lbs, 12% BF, Diet is very clean and have run many cycles and used almost every compound i can think of. My problem is, I have never done a cycle correctly. In fact, I have not cycled in 2 years now because of improper use of steroids and being completly sterile and trying to have a baby. After 2 years of doctors visit, I am finally back to normal and finally have a baby on the way. I am preparing to start a cycle and want to do things right this time. Below is what i have lined up so far, I am just looking for some advice on what i should add, do differently. btw, my goal is to cut down my bf. thanks in advance

Sustanon 300, 1ml. E3D - week 1-12
Tren E 200, 1ml. E4D - week 2-10
Aromasin, 12.5mg ED
Caber, .5 mg. E3D
HCG, 250 IUS, 2 x week


Clomid - 100/100/75/50
Aromasin - 25/25/12.5/12.5
You sure your 12% body fat? That's pretty low for your weight. An ai doesn't belong in pct. Read up on the ology faqs to see why. Standard pct is:

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

It's good to do your homework and research things considering you admitted to not running a proper cycle.

Why are you pinning tren e e4d?
Yes, it is 12%. I've been cutting for a few months now. Prepping for a show in October. That is what I had originally planned for pct until someone told me otherwise a few days ago. Prime example of why I'm double checking here. And yes, I definitely plan on trying to do things right now after 10 years of improper cycles. How often should I pin tren e? I have always run ace in the past.
Thanks tbinexl. So i should pin both E3D? And change my pct to Nolvadex and clomid? Someone told me that nolva and tren together was a no no. Everything else is good to go?
Yes, don't use aromasin at PCT. Never.
I would go for
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/20/20
I don't see any benefit of high dose of SERM's.
BTW, what was your protocol of HCG when you were planning a baby?
Thanks teras14. I will give that a go. Dr never prescribed me hcg for fertility. They gave me clomid at 25mg every other day.
Oh, I thought that they gave you HCG so you could boost your natural limits.
Well, if it was clomid, than my calculation says that you really are not 12% bf.
If you are 256 lb 6.2" and 12%bf, then your far free mass index is 29.1. Its like Arnold's in his best shape.
Underestimating your BF is common mistake.
I go to a local study center and get my bf checked with the bodpod. Ive always heard it is fairly accurate but, who knows. I dont really ever go off the numbers on the scale or bf% but more off the way i feel, look in the mirror, and the way my clothes are fitting me. I know i lost some decent size in the 2 years of getting back to normal. and also found out in the process that i naturally have low testosterone for my age. Also, my abs are starting to come back, and i cant usually see those untill im between 10-13% in my experiance. but anyway, All else looks good for the cycle? I have never used anything other than the gear that im cycling with the exception of some letrozole if gyno symptoms popped up.