getting back to juice, need help with dosage


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just getting back on juice after about three years I got a cycle of testosterone enanthate 300 and Sustanon 250 I'm wondering how much Of each I should do each week, i did to the one of each in the pin last Thursday, but wondering what i should do for tomorrow shot [monday] looking for bulk,,k thank u
" I bought some steroids on the black market, got some needles and syringes too.. Now I'm injecting the shit..
Please help cause I don't know what the hell I'm doing "

I really don't want to be an asshole right now-- but man this type of decision making is what gives the general public and media a bad view of steroids .. Fuk yourself up, the media blames steroids, but YOU are to blame man !!!
just getting back on juice after about three years I got a cycle of testosterone enanthate 300 and Sustanon 250 I'm wondering how much Of each I should do each week, i did to the one of each in the pin last Thursday, but wondering what i should do for tomorrow shot [monday] looking for bulk,,k thank u

I wanna give advice but after reading ur post i know u know absolutely nothing about it so... Drop the needle and run away cause u got weeks maybe months just tolearn what to do nevermind be actually ready to use
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Are you doing store bought or you got a jack lalanne juicer? I like dole juice but much rather make my own i usually drink 16oz in the morning but more is not gonna kill you let us know how it goes.
Just take a few minutes to write out a dissertation of what you do know about your proposed cycle. Please incLude your current stats( age,height, weight) years lifting seriously, knowledge about anabolic foods, all ancillaries, etc. list all previous cycles and experience with anabolics first hand.

If you want to, you can add why you think your ready for pharmacuetical assistance in your quest for physique enhancement when your original post reeks of unpreparedness and ignorance.
In other words, how can we possibly help you best, when you've given us absolutely no background information about yourself, your experience, or your goals??
Actualyy I do about 3 years ago I was quadruple stacking, test ,decca, dbol,matron....was very fit im 30yrs old not a kid..anyways fell off for a while doing herion...not that its anyones business but now i have six months of sobriety and getting back on my a game.....just wanted some good advice...not to be treated like a ass hole...thanks
Actualyy I do about 3 years ago I was quadruple stacking, test ,decca, dbol,matron....was very fit im 30yrs old not a kid..anyways fell off for a while doing herion...not that its anyones business but now i have six months of sobriety and getting back on my a game.....just wanted some good advice...not to be treated like a ass hole...thanks

Post #8 is your advice. What you do with it is up to you.
Thank you,,just was reading it,,,,,i guess i just was thinking if I did the Sustanon every Monday and Thursday and just did the Test enanthate every Thursday to keep my levels up would that be good?????
No. No need to stack 2 forms of test. Sust should be pinned every other day or at the very least m/w/f. We're not calling you an asshole. Your looking like one with uneducated posts. Plenty of info around here. Read up and then come back with questions.