Getting cut


New member
I have being taking Creatine and Protein Isolates for quite a while, I have gained thicknes like 15-20 pounds as well as a noticeable pot belly.

I feel I am ready to strat cutting out and most of all my pot belly.

Can you guys post the recomemded products to take as far as supplements, your dietary intake and what should I focus as far as Working-out? what kind of routine have you guys tried for cutting out?.

please be detailed

I am a little be at a lost here, since the more I read the more confusing it gets, your input will be appreciated.

Thank you
Diet man. Thats the most important thing. Can we get some stats on you? That will also help us out alot and we can go from there.

Another, what all have you been looking at (supplement wise) if any...and are you trying to stay on the route of OTC...
stay away from junk food, have a really healthy diet, do a lot of cardiovascular work, and don't focus on a lot of weight for less reps in weight training...instead focus on lighter weights with more reps, and a lot of burning out on your workouts.