Getting hit hard with side effects? Should I be concerned?


New member
Okay I'm going onto my 6th day of pro-hormones and today was the worst day I've experienced, on cycle. I'm really hoping that these side effects damper down and my days improve.

Since I do value my health, I just want to verify that what I am experiencing is normal and not out of the ordinary. The side effects have been stronger than I anticipated.

Here's what I've been experiencing.

- Headaches, weird sorta burning pain in eye and a little shortness of breadth. (I'm aware that these are the result of a heightened blood pressure. I bought some Hawthorn berries to combat this and they definitely seemed to help some. )


-Today I felt a lack of appetite

Should I expect these side effects to decrease? Are they exaggerated because my body is getting use to the hormones?

Also, at what point do side effects become an indication that you need to get off of the pro-hormone?
what are you taking and how much?

sides are a part of the game... if you didn't realize that you didn't do enough research and shouldn't be using.
I realize sides are part of the game and I realized that I would experience some as the result of taking, but, you have to understand this is my first cycle and it's impossible for me to predict the extent to which side effects would effect me regardless of my research. For example, although I was totally aware that my blood pressure would be elevated from use I didn't have any reference points to what this actually would feel like or the extent to which it would effect me.

I'm simply writing on here as a precaution. I felt pretty shitty today and I just want to verify that nothing is going wrong.

I've read many people say that they experienced no side effects. I realize this may be unrealistic but at the same time when I'm feeling that I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, in terms of side effects, it just makes me a little concerned.

Without reference points I cannot say, "this is normal" and thus I'm coming on here to ask.

I'm taking disalbol 2, 3 times a day. Bromo 2 times a day and liver support 2 times a day
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one diesel? 3x a day? what bromo? forged bromo?

diesel is going to be a challenge. its 2 hormones in one pill. you'll feel something for sure. and shit is most likely. and its not going to get better.

you would have been better off with halodrol or epistane for less sides but what you're experiencing is shutdown. its not going to be pretty but that basically means its working. you have 2 choices from here.

1. deal with it and make some gains and try to keep them down the road
2. get out now and start pct and maybe consider anabolics wayyyy down the road.
one diesel? 3x a day? what bromo? forged bromo?

diesel is going to be a challenge. its 2 hormones in one pill. you'll feel something for sure. and shit is most likely. and its not going to get better.

you would have been better off with halodrol or epistane for less sides but what you're experiencing is shutdown. its not going to be pretty but that basically means its working. you have 2 choices from here.

1. deal with it and make some gains and try to keep them down the road
2. get out now and start pct and maybe consider anabolics wayyyy down the road.

Correct, Forged bromo and forged liver support. 1 Diesel 3x a day

My main concern is damage to my body. I can handle these side effects as long as I am confident that once I run pct my body will return to it's proper functioning. (I realize damage to my body was a risk I took when I began, when I say confidence I mean that there is a high likelihood to avoid damage. In addition I imagine that doing one cycle (4 weeks) and Pct (4 weeks) is pretty unlikely to cause harm to my body.)

I'm concerned that these sides are signaling, "danger", but if they are just part of the process I have no problem going through with them.

Also, is it safe to take something like advil? I've avoided all painkillers to this point.
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theres no guarantee that you'll go back to normal. is it likely? yes. is it certain? not even close.

some people do one cycle and are messed up for life.

that being said chances are you'll be okay. but then again you may not. i hope you're planning on using a serm pct....

as for the advil, i wouldn't take anything consistently that could cause more liver stress. if you absolutely have to have a painkiller for something random, okay but i wouldn't take it consistently.
theres no guarantee that you'll go back to normal. is it likely? yes. is it certain? not even close.

some people do one cycle and are messed up for life.

that being said chances are you'll be okay. but then again you may not. i hope you're planning on using a serm pct....

as for the advil, i wouldn't take anything consistently that could cause more liver stress. if you absolutely have to have a painkiller for something random, okay but i wouldn't take it consistently.

Btw, thanks for your help I appreciate it!

Anyway, good news. Today I didn't wake up with the migraine and eye side effects that I had when I woke up yesterday. So far I've felt great today. If my days are more like today (little, barely noticeable sides), then making my way to the fourth week won't be difficult.

In terms of PCT, my stack came with an OTC forged PCT, but people suggested I get a Serm so I purchased liquid Nolva.
good to hear you have a decent post cycle therapy (pct). GL with the cycle. stick it through. you're probably already shut down so make the most of it! and most importantly keep strong through pct.
Sup, it sounds like lane got you some solid advice and you took a some good steps yourself.

The only thing I really wish to say is if your gonna go a route in which you are no longer natty, I would suggest the real stuff.

Prohormones are known for bad sides and this is to be expected. I would never say you "need" to go to injectabables, but perhaps you would like to read up on them more since it is generally agreed upon that they are a safer health wise.
In my experience

From my experience using MRSupps prohormones while i got good gains it COMPLETELY SHUT ME DOWN - my d--- didn't work for 3 weeks even with a strong post cycle therapy (pct). Just go with gear. I still feel my test is low 6 months later which is why I'm delaying my real gear cycle and am getting blood work this week to confirm. Make sure you really utilize those hawthorn berries along with Magnesium (don't overdo Mg as it's a laxative - Magnesium Tartrate is the best form of it) to help with BP. Or you could just pick up CYCLE SUPPORT (beware you wanna take gas relief pills or you'll not be very popular)

Bromo 2x a day while increase sides knock it to one. DAA powder is a good supp to add to your post cycle therapy (pct) it naturally raises test up to 40% with 3.14 g a day. For Clomid take the very next day you end cycle: 150 mg days 1-10 then 100 Mg 11-17 then 50 mg for another 1-2 weeks depending how much you can get your hands on. Tribulus is wack don't waste money. And make sure creatine is utilized to help keep your gains.
Mr supps are serious hormones that should be used with care and respect they are not mickey mouse supps and you havn't run the cycle properly at all this is why you are feeling like shit. You should have been running N2guard to cater for BP, liver and other sides, you guys need to allevaite shutdown by running hcgenerate and then run a decent pct to finish off with.

If you guys are running strong hormones and getting lethargy sides than adding a test base is the arnswer and this will keep lethargy at bay and help with gains, you can do this by applying the transaderm, i wouldnt run a serious hormone like diesel or superdrol without it.
Diesel and the like are serious bits of kit and just because they are legal does not mean they should be taken lightly, users should know how to use them and cycle safely:
This is what a decent diesel cycle looks like:
1-4 dieselbolan
1-4 forged bromo
1-4 HCGenerate
1-4 N2Guard
3-4 Forma Stanzol
5-8 clomid 25/25/25/25
5-8 Unleashed/post Cycle
5-8 Forma stanzol
5-8 Daa
I would substitute the hcgenerate for transaderm but this abve is as basic as its get, take care of your selves guys and makesure your cycles are safe and you get all the gains you can, if not than its just waste of time and cash. Good luck op hope this helps :)
Pros are the worst for sides pretty much no matter what ur taking. Like some of the guys mentioned earlier ur getting shut down and with out external test comin in ur Gona feel like crap probably little depressed and low sex drive some times lots of good foods and carbs and water etc can help get u some extra energy and if u have a gf try and bang as much as u can to keep ur drive active