Getting pregnant on cycle or pct !?


New member
Hey guys , so what im wondering is if someone can tell me more the reasons why people say it apparently harder to get pregnant on cycle ? why is that ? and would there also be lesser a chance during pct ? if someone can tell me the science or what it is ? thank you
Because your FSH is suppressed. But you can still get a woman pregnant. Lots of guys here have slipped one past the goalie while on cycle/TRT.

I am assuming you are asking about men getting a woman pregnant while on exogenous AAS.
been on "full time" since 2002 (with a 6 month break at one time)... the wife has given birth to two beautiful kids over the past 3.5 years, the second one was conceived while on 900mg test, 900mg tren per week and about 10 weeks into that run ;)
been on "full time" since 2002 (with a 6 month break at one time)... the wife has given birth to two beautiful kids over the past 3.5 years, the second one was conceived while on 900mg test, 900mg tren per week and about 10 weeks into that run ;)

900MG of Tren per week?......Sweet Jesus,lol

I was running 500MG way back when and I thought that was a lot.

Anyways back to the original question. It is my understanding that during your cycle you will have full HPTA suppression which in theory would make it extremely difficult to impregnate.

Not sure what role AI's or HCG would have in negating this though. I will say from my own experience though, I did manage to get two girls pregnant during the same month once though.

And I was running around 1200MG/ week at the time. Of course I was under the impression that this would be an effective contraceptive dose at the time.

Can you say big dummy boys and girls,lol
It seems logical when u think about it that pregnacy is impossible, because your testicals are shutdown and you wouldnt think theres any sperm. However, i found out the hard way. I did get someone prego on test, but it took several trys i will say that...