Getting ready for 2nd cycle


New member
Epitane 60/60/60/60/60
Trenavar 30/30/30/30

Organ Support hawthorn berry 2 weeks prior to start and AX perfect cycle.

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20 just first week
Bromo 6 0/0/75/75/75/75
Test booster titanium xl at recommend dose, and d-pol. I will start these week 5 until done.
would d-pol be good to start taking at the beginning of post cycle therapy (pct)? or just leave it like this, and just use jac3d from start of pct?
Enjoy your liver while you still have it bro. I did 3 cycles of orals and got my liver values checked after the last one and they were crazy !!! That was 6 months after my cycle!!! Did my first real cycle this summer and realized it's the way to go Just sayin you will be better off injecting