Getting ready for blast and cruise


New member
I have been on TRT for 9 months and I feel I have it dialed in correctly. Current protocol is 150mg test cyp weekly and .25mg anastrozole every
3.5 days. I would like to do a first blast and cruise cycle. When reading the sticky's, it says I can put on 11.4 pounds of lean mass with 300mg a
week for 8-12 weeks. Since this is my first cycle I will probably err on the side of caution and try the 300mg a week instead of the 500mg
a week even though the sticky said acne was less common in the higher dosage, which a big reason for my choice.

40 yrs old
183 lbs
6' tall
21% body fat

Weeks 1-12
150mg test cyp twice a week
.25mg or .5mg anastrozole twice a week?

After 12 weeks fall back to current TRT protocol. I know my BF isn't optimal but it's close. I can post diet and work out plans if needed. I plan
to bulk. Go time is not until the beginning of April. What do you think?
Being your already on trt, and your running a really low dose for a blast (I don't think it's really a blast your just upping your trt),, you should run it longer then 12 weeks, if you want to bulk and make gains that is.

I was where you were at a couple years back. On trt, then decided to up the dosage, did 200 mg every 5 days, ran that for 20 weeks, put on about 35 lbs at 12% bf.. But again I ran it long
6', 183lbs, 21%bf? Is that right? Your light for your height but you say your 21% bf. That doesn't sound right...
6', 183lbs, 21%bf? Is that right? Your light for your height but you say your 21% bf. That doesn't sound right...

Yeah that seems a little off,, if he 12% bf, what would he be like 6ft 160lbs .. Needs a recomp- needs to add muscle mass and loose bf
Hmm seems to low for a cycle. That 150mg WK of cup is very low for a blast. Most guys cruise on more than that. Can you clear up the weight bf% thing also.
If you are in fact at 21% BF I would not increase the dose. Focus on fat reduction. Use the test to hang on to what muscle you have and use T3 and Clen to reduce fat quickly. When you are down to the 15% range then you could consider a blast.

The reason in if your already fairly fat then adding test would cause even more weight gain and not the kind you want. There are many studies about the effects of Test on "heavy" individuals not being as effective and even causing further fat gain. I can also tell you from my own experiences I got much better results on a cycle after I got lean. Also being heavy and then going on high test would put a strain on your heart and BP.

Take 12-16 weeks and get lean then do a blast with test in the 300-500 range. If your on Dr. prescribed TRT then you already have the best AI money can buy so no issue with controlling E on a high test cycle.

I know you want to go for the blast even at your current BF% but believe me you will have a much easier time doing one at a time (reducing BF, or Gaining mass) instead of trying to do both. Not saying it's impossible but more an advanced cycle for experienced users with different compounds and a near perfect nutrition plan that requires an iron will that most beginners just don't have. Not saying you can't do it. Just saying you will enjoy the ride much better easing into it. Recomp cycles done correctly are a bitch and IMO for advanced users with years of training under their belts.
I took a stab at the BF percentage. I am not going to get a water displacement test but I entered my info into a navy body fat calculator and it said 18%, maybe that is more accurate. I think I put in a previous post I was 23%. I never put a lot of thought into BF%, just being healthy. I would not say I'm fat or thin. When I have a physical the doc says my wait is good for my height. I wear 34 waist jeans and need a belt.
The 200mg every 5 days for 20 weeks sounds interesting. How do you dose your AI on that? My goal is to bulk and make gains and the only reason I chose the300 mg vs the 500mg a week is because I read in the sticky's I could put on 11.5 pounds in 12 weeks and I would be happy with that to start. I can always do another cycle at a higher dose.
200mg a week puts my peak at 1700 or so, but would the extra 400mg a month (on the 5 day plan) be of any significance?
I took a stab at the BF percentage. I am not going to get a water displacement test but I entered my info into a navy body fat calculator and it said 18%, maybe that is more accurate. I think I put in a previous post I was 23%. I never put a lot of thought into BF%, just being healthy. I would not say I'm fat or thin. When I have a physical the doc says my wait is good for my height. I wear 34 waist jeans and need a belt.
The 200mg every 5 days for 20 weeks sounds interesting. How do you dose your AI on that? My goal is to bulk and make gains and the only reason I chose the300 mg vs the 500mg a week is because I read in the sticky's I could put on 11.5 pounds in 12 weeks and I would be happy with that to start. I can always do another cycle at a higher dose.
200mg a week puts my peak at 1700 or so, but would the extra 400mg a month (on the 5 day plan) be of any significance?

I am confused what your goal is here. You say your not concerned with BF% but you want to take an anabolic dose to make gains. I guess for me this does not compute. Why would you go through the trouble to just look average? I'm not trying to shitty here just can't wrap my mind around this. So your going for the football player look? You don't need an anabolic dose for what you are trying to get. Just eat right and train.

No one with experience would state that you need "this much" Adex or that much Aromasin. We are all different and even then depending on whats going on in our lives. Stress, weight gain, weight loss, Sleep patterns the level of AI needed will change. You have to learn what it feels like for you to have high and low E and how to manage it. Not trying to be a dick here but you are quickly beginning to look like someone that has little to no experience.

Just because the stickys state that someone made 11.5 pounds in gains on any cycle does not mean its a cookie cutter solution. Too many variables. We have not even gotten into diet yet. Which I suspect is also a cluster fuck for you.

I am part of the people with the mind set that you first need to do it naturally and learn how to make your body gain for like years then if you want more go for gear. Its not a quick fix or I want to fill out the shoulders on my sport coat but more a bonus for those who earned it that want to look like living walking superheros.

I know I am new here but not new to this game. Anyone else in the same boat as me or did I join the bush league forum?
The 200mg every 5 days for 20 weeks sounds interesting. How do you dose your AI on that? My goal is to bulk and make gains and the only reason I chose the300 mg vs the 500mg a week is because I read in the sticky's I could put on 11.5 pounds in 12 weeks and I would be happy with that to start. I can always do another cycle at a higher dose.
200mg a week puts my peak at 1700 or so, but would the extra 400mg a month (on the 5 day plan) be of any significance?

This was a couple years back that I did this, off the top of my head I think I was running AI at .5mg e3d.
I think my body fat was around 12 when I started and about 12%'when I finished. It worked well for me as a first cycle,, but extending it to 20 weeks was key.
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This was a couple years back that I did this, off the top of my head I think I was running AI at .5mg e3d.
I think my body fat was around 12 when I started and about 12%'when I finished. It worked well for me as a first cycle,, but extending it to 20 weeks was key.
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Nice work that was a great cycle for you! looks like at least 15-20 pounds. You started out rather lean. For people who are not naturally lean (myself included) this is a great example of how drastic the results can be when you are already lean to begin with. If you were 17% or higher people would just think you gained a few more pounds and would not notice your gains. Which is my point exactly. Why just be a larger blob. When you can look like something that you did? I've seen guys do this for cycles on cycles and just get bigger end up looking like powerlifters and never happy with the look. If they just took a step back and lost the weight first they would be much happier.
Thanks SOCal.. I always struggled to put on any mass due to my hypogonadism, total T of only 167.. But when I got on trt then did this low dose cycle, that's the ingredient I was missing to put on mass.
Started at 147lbs. Finished around 180.. Then 187,, I've dropped a bit but Hoping to break 200 end of my next cycle, 12% bf or less.
But your right, guys that are not lean to begin with cycle and put on size, they just look rounder and fuller like they put on some holidays and turkey day weight. Being lean allows you to see the progress take place
Thanks SOCal.. I always struggled to put on any mass due to my hypogonadism, total T of only 167.. But when I got on trt then did this low dose cycle, that's the ingredient I was missing to put on mass.
Started at 147lbs. Finished around 180.. Then 187,, I've dropped a bit but Hoping to break 200 end of my next cycle, 12% bf or less.
But your right, guys that are not lean to begin with cycle and put on size, they just look rounder and fuller like they put on some holidays and turkey day weight. Being lean allows you to see the progress take place

That's the gospel truth right there!! Also serious gains nice work! How tall are you? breaking 200 and under 12% BF is big boy size:) I just achieved that a few years ago right now I am 5'9" and 220 at about 14% right now.
Going to have to go with SoCalSwole here. Sorry OP, but what you're proposing makes no sense to me at all either. You want to bulk, as in have more noticeable lean muscle mass? Learn how to eat properly first, cut body fat, and you'll likely accomplish what you have in mind.

Bumping up your dose of testosterone will not do this for you. You will need to master the facets of nutrition and exercise in order to take advantage of additional hormone supplementation. Your money would be far better spent hiring 3J (resident nutritionist here) and going through one of his diet plans. That way, you'll have a far superior environment conducive to anabolic growth.

Going from hypogonadal to supraphysiological levels of testosterone will definitely do one thing - cause an injury. Ease in slowly, build up those connective tissues, and learn all that you can. After you've accomplished all this, I suspect you'll be ready to kick ass and take names.

My .02c :)
That's the gospel truth right there!! Also serious gains nice work! How tall are you? breaking 200 and under 12% BF is big boy size:) I just achieved that a few years ago right now I am 5'9" and 220 at about 14% right now.

I'm 5'10
Um yeah I'd say u with those stats are pretty built!

I've had several set backs since that first cycle though.. I had an injury that left me half paralyzed and bed ridden and required surgery, and I was out of the game for 9 months. I had lost all my gains as u can imagine being bed ridden that long.. I rehabilitated went through therapy and got back to it. I hired 3j, got a plan in place a good cycle down and got back into it,, 3j helped me with a clean bulk and got back to 187 with low body fat.. Well at the end of that cycle I was cruising on primo and planned to get down to single digit bf% while still maintaining or even building mass,, was going well. Had another set back and a health condition that left me unable to train and unable to hardly eat.., went through with drs and tests and all that for months, the whole time loosing weight cause of the inability to eat.. Got on some meds to treat the condition,, and now I'm back at it.
I'm 5'10
Um yeah I'd say u with those stats are pretty built!

I've had several set backs since that first cycle though.. I had an injury that left me half paralyzed and bed ridden and required surgery, and I was out of the game for 9 months. I had lost all my gains as u can imagine being bed ridden that long.. I rehabilitated went through therapy and got back to it. I hired 3j, got a plan in place a good cycle down and got back into it,, 3j helped me with a clean bulk and got back to 187 with low body fat.. Well at the end of that cycle I was cruising on primo and planned to get down to single digit bf% while still maintaining or even building mass,, was going well. Had another set back and a health condition that left me unable to train and unable to hardly eat.., went through with drs and tests and all that for months, the whole time loosing weight cause of the inability to eat.. Got on some meds to treat the condition,, and now I'm back at it.

That's great I admire your determination. I have some back issues as well I am constantly managing. herniated disks and bone spurs on my vertebrae fun stuff let me tell you. I am about to cut down for shows in the summer hoping to be around 200-207 at 7% or so. we will see.

Not trying to hi jack your thread OP. Sorry:)
That's great I admire your determination. I have some back issues as well I am constantly managing. herniated disks and bone spurs on my vertebrae fun stuff let me tell you. I am about to cut down for shows in the summer hoping to be around 200-207 at 7% or so. we will see.

Not trying to hi jack your thread OP. Sorry:)

Have had two lower back surgeries myself . It's even harder trying to put on mass when you can't even do squats!