Getting ready for blast and cruise

I am confused what your goal is here. You say your not concerned with BF% but you want to take an anabolic dose to make gains. I guess for me this does not compute. Why would you go through the trouble to just look average? I'm not trying to shitty here just can't wrap my mind around this. So your going for the football player look? You don't need an anabolic dose for what you are trying to get. Just eat right and train.

No one with experience would state that you need "this much" Adex or that much Aromasin. We are all different and even then depending on whats going on in our lives. Stress, weight gain, weight loss, Sleep patterns the level of AI needed will change. You have to learn what it feels like for you to have high and low E and how to manage it. Not trying to be a dick here but you are quickly beginning to look like someone that has little to no experience.

Just because the stickys state that someone made 11.5 pounds in gains on any cycle does not mean its a cookie cutter solution. Too many variables. We have not even gotten into diet yet. Which I suspect is also a cluster fuck for you.

I am part of the people with the mind set that you first need to do it naturally and learn how to make your body gain for like years then if you want more go for gear. Its not a quick fix or I want to fill out the shoulders on my sport coat but more a bonus for those who earned it that want to look like living walking superheros.

I know I am new here but not new to this game. Anyone else in the same boat as me or did I join the bush league forum?

You may have the wrong impression of me because I overestimated my BF%. I am tall and thin, I run 20 miles a week and over the weekend traveled out of state to run a 13 mile marathon. In the past I was not too concerned about BF% but of course when considering a cycle I am and that's why I included it.
I have been lifting 5x a wk for almost a year but have not made a lot of gains in size because of extremely low T and that could be why I carry a little extra BF.
You say you have a lot of experience with gear but you say a person has to "learn what it feels like to have high and low E". Going on "feelings" is not good science or advice. One should get the proper labs done to manage that shit.
I agree with you that there are no "cookie cutter" solutions but there are logical starting points for AI dosages and it helps to hear what has worked for others. It would not make a bit of sense to just start taking a drug and "see how I feel afterward". If that is how you ran your gear I suspect you're not the expert you claim to be.
As for my diet, it's very healthy but has not been a weight lifters diet as far as calories and protein goes. I have been eating for running leaning towards a vegetarian diet but not totally.
I am here because I am not an expert. Just looking for advice on cycle, diet, and training for gaining mass. I have read a lot and gotten some good advice. I believe I am ready for action. As far as being strong, I am a sparring partner for my nephew, who is a fighter. Wile I am not a champion fighter, I can hold my own with guys that are much bigger than me.
Op- I had low t for years and was a runner and a cyclist- I lifted 4 days a week as well.. I NEVER could gain weight. But I dropped all cardio, started on trt, ate big, and trained like a body builder in the gym instead of like an athlete. It worked for me.

Drop all that cardio, eat big, lift, and now that your T levels will be up you'll make good gains and prob burn fat doing it as well
I'm not speaking for SoCalSwole, but believe it or not, a lot of it does have to do with how you feel. I personally feel optimal (energy/libido/balanced water retention) with my estradiol in the 20-25pg/mL range. Much lower or higher and I don't feel 100%.

Blood testing is super important, but quantitative data can only tell so much. I still am honestly confused as to what you're trying to get out of this. You're a marathon runner, but want to bulk?

I know a couple guys that run triathlons and marathons, and they're all crazy lean (8-11% body fat), with little muscle mass (size-wise). I still think you should give it a little more time on TRT, but that's just my opinion. :)
You may have the wrong impression of me because I overestimated my BF%. I am tall and thin, I run 20 miles a week and over the weekend traveled out of state to run a 13 mile marathon. In the past I was not too concerned about BF% but of course when considering a cycle I am and that's why I included it.
I have been lifting 5x a wk for almost a year but have not made a lot of gains in size because of extremely low T and that could be why I carry a little extra BF.
You say you have a lot of experience with gear but you say a person has to "learn what it feels like to have high and low E". Going on "feelings" is not good science or advice. One should get the proper labs done to manage that shit.
I agree with you that there are no "cookie cutter" solutions but there are logical starting points for AI dosages and it helps to hear what has worked for others. It would not make a bit of sense to just start taking a drug and "see how I feel afterward". If that is how you ran your gear I suspect you're not the expert you claim to be.
As for my diet, it's very healthy but has not been a weight lifters diet as far as calories and protein goes. I have been eating for running leaning towards a vegetarian diet but not totally.
I am here because I am not an expert. Just looking for advice on cycle, diet, and training for gaining mass. I have read a lot and gotten some good advice. I believe I am ready for action. As far as being strong, I am a sparring partner for my nephew, who is a fighter. Wile I am not a champion fighter, I can hold my own with guys that are much bigger than me.

You mad Bro??

No seriously, OF COURSE there is a starting point on how much to take. Guess I figured you knew at least that. BY the way I never claimed to be an expert. YOU said that. I only speak on my own experience with it. I don't have to prove my worth to you the true guys here have seen my other posts and know whats up.

Did you ever consider that your not gaining because of your long distance running? That's like body building 101. The equivalent would be like eating all your macros in one meal and then immediately sticking your finger down your throat to throw it all up.

I am not here to spoon feed you info that's openly available in the stickys. If you want a best guess at how much adex to take with 300mg's of test then start with .25mg twice a week. If you get symptoms of high E (Look it up) then go for 3 times a week. Still having issues up the dose to .5. You should not need any more than .5mg 3 times a week. But again it's based on how you feel. lol
You mad Bro??

No seriously, OF COURSE there is a starting point on how much to take. Guess I figured you knew at least that. BY the way I never claimed to be an expert. YOU said that. I only speak on my own experience with it. I don't have to prove my worth to you the true guys here have seen my other posts and know whats up.

Did you ever consider that your not gaining because of your long distance running? That's like body building 101. The equivalent would be like eating all your macros in one meal and then immediately sticking your finger down your throat to throw it all up.

I am not here to spoon feed you info that's openly available in the stickys. If you want a best guess at how much adex to take with 300mg's of test then start with .25mg twice a week. If you get symptoms of high E (Look it up) then go for 3 times a week. Still having issues up the dose to .5. You should not need any more than .5mg 3 times a week. But again it's based on how you feel. lol

No, sir I'm not mad. I should have used an emoticon. I respect everyone's opinion, after all, I asked for them. Obviously I burn a shitload of calories and that keeps my weight down. I am not interested in gaining huge amounts of weight, my goal is to gain 15 pounds of lean muscle at the most, hence the low dose cycle. I only run because I enjoy it and I think it will only make it better. I posted to get a conversation going and to hear what has worked for others. Thanks
No, sir I'm not mad. I should have used an emoticon. I respect everyone's opinion, after all, I asked for them. Obviously I burn a shitload of calories and that keeps my weight down. I am not interested in gaining huge amounts of weight, my goal is to gain 15 pounds of lean muscle at the most, hence the low dose cycle. I only run because I enjoy it and I think it will only make it better. I posted to get a conversation going and to hear what has worked for others. Thanks

All good, Gaining 15 pounds of muscle is no easy task even on a fair amount of gear without running. You will really have to manage your calorie intake and expenditure ratio. If you plan on continuing to run long distance then your goal of gaining 15 pounds is even more challenging, if not impossible. The two just don't go hand in hand at least not for humans. I would suggest making sure you are eating at least 500 over maintenance cals so the days you run half marathons your going to need to eat an ungodly amount of calories. You can't gain in a catabolic state. Any aerobic exercise in excess of 30 min will put you in that state unless you can eat while your running. The best you can hope for is to really nail it in the macros and training department so you don't lose all the gains on the run days.

Good luck to you.
You gotta nick the long endurance cardio to put on size. I know this from experience being a former cyclist.. Your joints will even feel better (unless u go in lifting super heavy)..
If you still wanna run, then do short distance sprints or run hills/stairs for short intervals.. But nick the slow twitch muscle fiber stimulation if you wanna put on size, IMO
Read through a few replys... IMO I would go with 500mg of Test with an AI, and go for either a bulk or cut on it. Depending on how much muscle/fat your carrying, a bulk @ 500mg may allow you to slap on a decent amount of muscle and come out looking leaner. If you don't mind posting a photo up, go for it!