Getting ready to cycle help please


New member
Hey guys im new to this site but have been around reading for months..

My stats are

Training for:2 years
max bench: 200
Max squat: 200(i have a back problem cannot load up)
I dont deadlift either

I have tried dbol only for 4 weeks (stupid i know) i had to see how i would respond to it.. Went well lost gains but kept strength..

Proposed cycle
6 weeks of test prop at 500mg week
Chose test prop because of the short life ester incase anything goes rong its out of my system

Pct as followed

Nolva /40/40/20/20

Please let me know what you think of this cycle thanks
6 weeks is not going to be long enough to do much good. A test E/C cycle would probably be preferred, less pinning and pip. Also be sure to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand during cycle.