getting shredded and carbs ?


New member
stats 5,10,80kg,11%bf atm. question is i want to get to 7%bf without loosing to much lean muscle currently i workout 5 days a week (resistance) and one day cardio. im loosing weight but it seems as if im eating into my muslce tissue aswell i think its coz im not taking in enough complex maybe even simple carbs . when should u eat carbs if u trying to get SHREDDED !

p.s at the moment im only having brown rice in the morning after that fibrous greens only !
Too hard to answer this without seeing a diet. How many carbs are you eating each day and how many at each meal? Losing fat and not lean mass is only done thru cardio and diet and even then a certain amount of lean mass will be lost too but the goal is to minimize it.
Diet should include macro totals and calories it's not "one" food choice that's going to make or break your cut also what were your macros abd cals when you started cutting
ok im confused i have a post on this forum. that has my diet what i eat daily on it 3J has already looked at it . sorry guys any help would be appreciated !