GH / IGF with Test or what?

Tansak KTV

New member
Folks... Need help in clarification. Was advised to go on this:

2 IU HGH every day 6 months (up to 4 IU when not on IGF) (jintropin)

20 mcg IGF every day for 1 month - off one month - cycles (Long r3)

Testoviron 250 mg mixed with Decca 1 amp ONE time a week for two weeks off two week cycle

Take two weeks of Clen / T3 after 3 months and then at the last two weeks of 6 months to cut...

Back ground... have been on IFG, have done cycles of durabolin / stan, have done some test cycles before... Past history was mostly on work on diet as I dropped half my body weight, now need to improve bulk / strength definition.

Age 41
Weight 76 kilo (history / past weight was 145 kilo)
Height 179 cm
18% body fat

Sport... long distance bicycle rider.. three days a week ride 150 km or more, alternate days would gym and eliptical cycle.

Just got a trainer to work on a fitness routine and work on my nutrition as I think proper nutrition is the key in toning and definition.

Goals.. 10-12% body fat with a weight of 80 to 85 kilo... Definition and Toning with added upper body bulk

Have access to most all roids... so help me with a 6 month program...

So what would you recommend? Did post on another board without responses...