GHRP 2 6 or ipamorelin muscle fat loss


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Hey broz which of these cheap peptides is the best for
Fat Loss

I know g 2 and 6 have some what of a short halflife and cause prolactin and some report gyno which is odd. I also hear that ipamoorelin has a longer halflife what do you guys think is best?
If they report gyno they are tards, gh has nothing to do with gyno. 2 is the strongest of the 3 and has very little cortisol stimulation. Go that route. Stack it ghrh 1295 (no dac) and you're good to go. 100mcg pins of each per pin.
If they report gyno they are tards, gh has nothing to do with gyno. 2 is the strongest of the 3 and has very little cortisol stimulation. Go that route. Stack it ghrh 1295 (no dac) and you're good to go. 100mcg pins of each per pin.

Bonexyster, you've done both sarms and GRF + GHRP cycles. What of the two do you rate better?
They are different in results. Peptides slowly strip away fat and slowly make the muscles denser. Sarms are much closer to aas in results. Peptides work faster in comparison to hgh so if you're doing a short cycle then I say stack peptides with aas or sarms. If you're going to use for a very long duration hgh would work nicely. One of the best 4 week cycles I ever done was (500mg test, 40mg superdrol, 75mcg igf1-lr3). With sarms and peptides there are a couple good bulk or cutting options. Igf1-lr3 with s4 with a peptide stack for 6 weeks would give a awesome cut being your weight was already some what under control. Igf1-lr3 with lgd 4033 and s4 would give a crazy bulk.
They are different in results. Peptides slowly strip away fat and slowly make the muscles denser. Sarms are much closer to aas in results. Peptides work faster in comparison to hgh so if you're doing a short cycle then I say stack peptides with aas or sarms. If you're going to use for a very long duration hgh would work nicely. One of the best 4 week cycles I ever done was (500mg test, 40mg superdrol, 75mcg igf1-lr3). With sarms and peptides there are a couple good bulk or cutting options. Igf1-lr3 with s4 with a peptide stack for 6 weeks would give a awesome cut being your weight was already some what under control. Igf1-lr3 with lgd 4033 and s4 would give a crazy bulk.

What about ghrp-6 and ipamorelin together?
Ghrp 2 is about 15% stronger then 6 and stacks better with ghrh 1295. I have done the 6 and ipamorelin stack and the 2 and 1295 is much better. If you wanted to bounce back and forth between those stacks every 2 weeks that'd work well. Personally I'd run 2 and 1295 for a month then 6 and 1295 for 2 weeks then ipamorelin and 6 for 2 weeks then repeat. Your body will not immune to the ghrh like it will the grhp. You can run ghrh with much more efficiency over long durations. I know diet tricks that really enhance the effectiveness, are you bulking or cutting?
Always pin post workout, not before. You can do a quick few minutes warm up with cardio but it's imperative that you lift weights first being your body makes a huge natural growth hormone pulse from weightlifting. Consume 2 teaspoons of pure coconut oil preworkout and this will make the initial workout pulse 3x higher. The last 20-30 minutes of your workout can be cardio, pin directly prior to your cardio. Immediately after your cardio suck down 50 gramsof protien and 25 grams of sugar. You can mix pure cinnamon powder into your whey or take 1000mg of cinnamon in a capsule as you start your cardio. The cinnamon will increase the effects of the peptides and tricks your body into thinking it's insulin causing bodyfat loss and lean muscle gains. You could substitute the cinnamon for 1000mg of alpha lipoic acid. If I'm trying to cut I actually alternate those 2 per meal. If you wanted to be as optimal as possible you could stack l-arginine glutamine and taurine with the cinnamon and Alaand have great results. that stack would actually calls lean muscle gains body fat loss and a natural increase in growth hormone.
This is very interesting to me thank you! I am trying to lean bulk at the moment any fat burning is great. I am a bit in the middle I have lost a lot of muscle mass and gained some fat im around 13%bf atm so I cant afford anymore fat. I am just worred about messing up my natural output of growth hormone and also worried about face becoming dimorphic from bone growth with the stronger peptides.
Peptides give you burst of hgh. It's not a 12 hr streak of constant hgh like synthetic hgh. Peptides cause a high natural pulse. It doesn't disrupt your natural output like synthetic hgh, the day you discontinue use your body goes back to normal. The pulsing hasn't shown to cause bone growth so no worries. Pin and enjoy.
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Ghrp 2 is about 15% stronger then 6 and stacks better with ghrh 1295. I have done the 6 and ipamorelin stack and the 2 and 1295 is much better. If you wanted to bounce back and forth between those stacks every 2 weeks that'd work well. Personally I'd run 2 and 1295 for a month then 6 and 1295 for 2 weeks then ipamorelin and 6 for 2 weeks then repeat. Your body will not immune to the ghrh like it will the grhp. You can run ghrh with much more efficiency over long durations. I know diet tricks that really enhance the effectiveness, are you bulking or cutting?

I've been running the ipam 150mcg 3x Ed and cjc 100mcg 3x ed for the last 8 weeks. My prior research gave me the impression that ipam could be used for extended periods of time without becoming immune. My plan was to go six months. I was considering upping the dose of ipam to 200mcg 3x Ed. Thought?
Ran all the above and even some other combinations. For me they all did the same and only side effects where different. For example, in my lab rat GHRP-2 above 200mcg = uncontrollable hunger. Same dose in Ipamorelin = no hunger. I see it as GHRP-6 is like a shotgun blast, but Ipam is like a rifle. Both hit a target but in a different way. Not saying GHRP-6 or 2 is bad, some people may want the hunger side effect. I have no problem eating a bunch though... LOL :biggthump
My rat must have sensitive skin or something. 6 weeks of 4x ED 100mcg GHRP-2 and Mod-29 made him irritated as hell and started swelling at injection sites.

Do you all rotate injection sites daily?