GHRP-2 and CJC 1295, what can I expect?


New member
Hey bros!

I just started taking GHRP-2 and CJC-1295. I'm running 100mcg 2 x a day of the CJC and 250mg twice a day for the GHRP...

What can I expect to gain from this? I have previous shoulder injury's as I'm hypermobile so I'm hoping to experience some relief from this and gain the deep sleep that I so desperately need. Anything else I can gain from this? I've heard you can have reduced recovery times between workouts...any truth to this?

- J
im thinking about going on the same cycle for injuries as well .... although i am thinking about adding igf1-lr3 @ 50-60 mcg a day for 4 weeks on , 4 off, injecting post physical therapy sesh. along with all the joint supps out there, like glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, SAMe, hyaluronic acid, cissus, arginine + lysine ,collagen, silica etc, u get the picture, pretty much the building blocks of ligaments. as for reduced recovery times, if they work the way research says they wok, then yes that seems like the case
Soon you will notice improved sleep, better skin, and possibly an increase in appetite. Over time the benefits are similar to that of GH, just on a smaller level. It takes months of running it though to get the full benefit of leaning out, increased recovery, etc. For injuries research TB-500 and Igf-1.
Soon you will notice improved sleep, better skin, and possibly an increase in appetite. Over time the benefits are similar to that of GH, just on a smaller level. It takes months of running it though to get the full benefit of leaning out, increased recovery, etc. For injuries research TB-500 and Igf-1.

hey bro, how many months would this combo need to be run in order to see the GH like effects?
Thanks for the replies! Meathead, I'm already some of those benefits. Sleep and appetite are great, my face is still a little broken out and my chest is clearing up. The PH I'm on is breaking me out, im taking. Kronic (halodrol and epistane). Getting decent gains with it, Im ready to run a cycle soon as I can PM sources. I'm gonna end up doing raw powder and brewing my own shit once I can find a source on here...anyway thanks for the info!
Oh yeah, what are some good things to eat when the rush of hunger hits? I normally don't eat before at least an hour or so. After the shot though I'm hungry within a half hour while I try to wait, sometimes I can't haha. I've been drinking a lot of protein shakes. I'm trying to bulk up but am eating a lot of protein and carbs but not crazy carbs as Im trying to go for healthy gains rather than fat gains.
Dont eat when the rush hits. Wait an hour to be safe. Protein is the safest-low fat if you are trying to cut. Dont eat carbs because they will blunt the effects.

GHRP's are great for sleep and lean mass\keeping some gains. As for the injury Id say TB500 cant be beat but you will need to run it for at least a month.